| - Perusius was founded by the Tyberian line of emperors in 2E 1061. The Tyberian line attempted to impose a spiritual focus on Ulyssa by shifting pride of Ulyss to worship of the Eight. Namely, they wished to achieve this by shifting the capital from Rhold to Perusius, in which held huge numbers of temples and shrines dedicated to those among the Council. The shift lasted for 280 years. A military coup by one general toppled the Tyberian line after public suspicions of imperial affiliation with arcane groups, and the capital and leadership returned to Rhold. Perusius maintained status for some time by converting to a trade-based mining economy. Perusius leveraged the rich resources held in the neighboring mountains to export rock and minerals. However, the resources began to deplete by the late second era, and working conditions grew worse over time. Controversially, the reigning Pontifex organized a popular revolt against the leadership of Perusius to claim the town. While no forces from the capital were sent to contest this revolt, Perusius experienced chilly relations with other Gallonese cities for some time. Nonetheless, the action returned Perusius to its former state as a religious bastion, and the town continues to uphold this reputation to this day.