| - Qo'noS, or Kronos, is the homeworld of the Klingons and capital world of the Klingon Empire. It houses the Klingon High Council and other important institutions.
- Qo'noS (Anglicized Kronos) was a Class M planet, homeworld of the Klingons and capital of the Klingon Empire.
- A Class M planet with a greenish hue, Qo'noS (also known as Kronos) orbits around the star named Klingon, which is where the Terran name for the planet's inhabitants is derived. Qo'noS had one moon, Praxis, which was destroyed in an accident in the year 2293. It is the capital planet for the Klingon Empire, with its own capital city being the First City.
- De mensen brachten hun eerste bezoek aan Qo'noS in 2151 met behulp van de Vulcan sterrenkaarten. Het is vier dagen reizen vanaf Sol met warp 5
- Qo'noS jest ...liczba... z ...liczba... planet w systemie Qo'noS, położony w Beta Kwadrant. Planeta macierzysta Klingonów i stolica Klingońskiego Imperium. Nota: ...
- right|thumb|200px|Qo'nos en el año 2151 Tambien llamado Kronos, es el mundo hogar de los Klingons; Qo'noS es el mundo de origen de los Klingons, capital del Imperio Klingon, y sede del Alto Consejo Klingon y otras instituciones importantes
- Qo'noS (čte se Kronos) je domovská planeta Klingonů. Jde o planetu třídy M (vulkánské označení třídy je Minshara). Tato planeta se nachází v kvadrantu Beta. Má minimálně jeden přirozený satelit, kterým je měsíc Praxis.
- Wie bei vielen Planeten der Klasse M gibt es auch auf Qo'noS verschiedene Klimazonen. Der Planet besitzt ein gemäßigtes bis warmes Klima. So gibt es auf der Oberfläche Wälder und Wüsten, aber auch Ozeane, Berge, Täler und Höhlen. (ENT: ; VOY: ) In der Ersten Stadt, der Hauptstadt von Qo'noS', steht die Große Halle, in der sich gewöhnlich der Hohe Rat versammelt und unter dem Vorsitz des klingonischen Kanzlers das Reich regiert.
- Qo'noS, also known as Kling, is the homeworld of the Klingon species and capital planet of the Klingon Empire. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.) The world orbits an orange bright subgiant (Type K1 IV) star and possessed two moons; Corvix and Praxis, the latter of the two is now remnants that circle the planet after it exploded. The planet itself possesses a single landmass that comprises the entire habitable surface. The terrain consists primarily of high, rocky mountains, jagged cliffs, and rivers of lava, which are the result of unstable tectonics. A greenhouse effect caused by the volcanic ash keeps the planet's surface warm and traps its oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. The interaction of cold air over the ocean and extremely hot air over the continents gives rise to sizable storms;
- Qo'noS (transliterated to Kronos in English) is a Class M planet, homeworld of the Klingons and capital of the Klingon Empire. Using the Vulcan star charts, Qo'noS was first visited by Humans in 2151. It is about four days away from Sol at warp 4.5. Qo'noS is the homeworld of the Klingons and the capital world of the Klingon Empire, and houses the Klingon High Council and other important institutions. In 2293, the nearby moon Praxis, a key energy-production facility for the Klingon Empire, exploded after an accident involving over-mining which sent out a subspace shock wave, causing severe damage to the planet's ozone layer. This event forced planning for the evacuation of the planet and led to the signing of the First Khitomer Accord with the Federation. In 2367, Qo'Nos was bombarded from
- Qo'noS, also known as Kling, was the homeworld of the Klingon species and capital planet of the Klingon Empire, located in the Klinzhai system. (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; TOS novel: Cast No Shadow) In the TOS novel: The Final Reflection and the FASA RPG module: The Klingons (both by John M. Ford), the Klingon homeworld was given the name Klinzhai, which was used in some later works such as The IDIC Epidemic and Ishmael before being superseded by The Undiscovered Country. Klinzhai was restyled as the system name in Cast No Shadow.