| - Superman and Steel notice that the engines of Engine City have started, and now they need to stop it. On their way to the engine room, however, Mongul blocks their path, saying he has started the engine in order to shake Earth apart. Superman has Steel head off alone to the engine room while he personally contends with Mongul -- a fight that nearly injures Superman as Mongul gives him a bone-crushing bear hug. Supergirl offers an assist in the fight, but Mongul makes her appear by pouring machine oil on her invisible form and then just slapping her away. The fight leaves Superman nearly unconscious.
Meanwhile, the Cyborg Superman is very aware of Mongul's treachery and decides to "help" Steel shut down the engine, though by materializing in the form of various cyborg-type machines, attacking Steel while giving him information about how the engine works. Realizing he is unable to destroy the fusion reactor which the engine uses, Steel knocks off the head of the Cyborg's inhabited form and uses it to jam up the engine gears, causing the engine itself to explode.
Cyborg Superman reinhabits his main body, realizing that the engine is destroyed, but the Kryptonite power source remains intact. He also senses the coming of Hal Jordan and decides to let him take care of Mongul, leaving the death of Superman in his own hands.
- Superman, Superboy, and Man of Steel arrive outside Engine City, where Cyborg Superman sees the three heroes approaching and is now starting to wonder who the one in the black suit is. Mongul taunts Cyborg by saying that it could be his enemy Superman come back from the dead, but Cyborg twists Mongul's arm to remind him who holds his leash.
The three are soon greeted by laser fire. They charge straight toward the city and break in, instantly dealing with the goons sent to run as interference. After taking them out, Superman grabs some of their weapons and arms himself with them, realizing that his power levels aren't back to normal and that he needs all the help he can get.
They now fight their way into a launch chamber, where they see a massive rocket armed and ready to turn Metropolis into "Engine City, Part Deux". Again they run into thugs, but that is the least of their problems; Cyborg Superman now orders a launch, which means they need to escape or else get fried in the rocket's exhaust flares. Superman and Man of Steel manage to find cover, but Superboy ends up riding the rocket in an attempt to stop it. Superman realizes that and decides to press on in his journey, making a daring jump into the launch chamber after the rocket has departed while Steel watches in amazement.
Lex Luthor, the Daily Planet staff, Tana Moon, and even the citizens of Metropolis watch as Superboy exerts all his strength and willpower into diverting the rocket's trajectory. Suddenly the rocket barely scrapes past the Daily Planet globe on top of the building as it rises high into the air, where it detonates, causing Tana to break into tears as she realizes that Superboy may be no more.
- Lois Lane wakes up to the sound of tapping on her window. Thinking it's the birds again, Lois draws back the drapes to reveal the image of an S-emblazoned chest. It is Superman -- the one and only real Superman she knows! She leaps into his arms and the two of them kiss in midair.
After he takes a shower, Lois discusses with Kal-El how they could let the world know that his civilian identity of Clark Kent has come back from the dead. But their discussion is soon stopped when Kal-El suddenly hears Maggie Sawyer outside a bank being robbed by a criminal named Loophole. Quickly he goes into action as Superman, freeing Loophole's hostages but getting a taste of his matter-bending powers before realizing how he can stop him. Maggie is in disbelief that this is really Superman come back from the dead, but her doubt is removed when Superman reports another activity going on in the city that requires his attention and so zooms off to attend to it.
Meanwhile, a helicopter bringing Superboy, Supergirl, and Steel back to Metropolis lands, and Steel is turned over to medics while the Eradicator's body is given to scientists from S.T.A.R. Labs before the other two heroes fly off. Superboy returns to his apartment to rest, but he is soon visited by Tana Moon who tells him that she is leaving Metropolis.
After Superman rescues some children that were trapped in a basement following the devastation caused by the Doomsday confrontation, Jimmy Olsen suggests that maybe Clark Kent could be trapped in a basement somewhere in Metropolis. Superman just wonders how come he never thought of it.
- New Daily Planet reporter Ronald Troupe is out to "prove himself" as a worthy successor to Clark Kent when he goes to report the story of a lifetime: whether the Cyborg Superman truly is Superman. Traveling to Washington, D.C., Ronald manages to meet with Maxwell Lord outside the White House as he is on his way to an appointment with the U.S. President when Qurac terrorists attack. Cyborg Superman comes on the scene to take out the terrorists, but becomes a victim of the White House's defense computer systems as they fire upon him while Ronald and Maxwell take cover. Soon, with Cyborg Superman producing a sonic disruptor that helps Ronald use a retina scanner to prove his identity as Superman, he enters the White House warning that the terrorist threat isn't over, and soon plugs himself into their computers to discover that Maxwell Lord's briefcase has been switched with one that contained an explosive, melting it with his heat vision. The President personally thanked Cyborg Superman for his intervention and acknowledged him as being the one true Superman. Daily Planet editor Perry White reads Troupe's article and realizes that the young man has what it takes to be a successor to Clark Kent.
- The Eradicator and Superboy show up to see that the engine of Engine City has been shut down. As Hal Jordan contends with Mongul using Steel's hammer, Superman presses on to contend with Cyborg, who reveals himself to Superman as being Hank Henshaw. Supergirl and a weakened Steel in ruined armor offer assistance part of the way until Steel causes the machinery of Engine City to come alive and capture them, also manipulating what's left of Steel's armor to try strangling him. Superboy uses his tactile telekinesis to break the armor Cyborg has control of while Eradicator tries to reason with Superman about being on the same side, also telling him how he was brought back from the dead.
Soon they meet Cyborg at the power core of the city, which is being powered by Kryptonite. Cyborg breaks the protective casing and exposes Superman to its radiation. Superman seals off the doors to prevent the radiation from spreading elsewhere, then tries to use a gun on Cyborg which the evil impostor causes to explode. The Eradicator blasts Cyborg with energy bursts along with Superman from another powerful weapon until it causes his jaw to shatter. Cyborg rips off a pipe spewing Kryptonite radiation and aims it at Superman. The Eradicator shields Superman from the burst, but it ends up passing through his body, striking Superman. Hal Jordan appears, finished with his battle with Mongul, and uses a protective bubble to enter the power core room with Steel, Superboy, and Supergirl as the room is filled with Kryptonite radiation.
Superman now emerges from behind Cyborg, taking his cape back and striking the Cyborg with a powerful blow that goes through his body, revealing that the Kryptonite passing through the Eradicator's body had changed and now restored all of his own powers. Superman now shakes Cyborg apart until he is all in pieces, with no sign of him being anywhere in the city. With Superman's Kryptonian bodysuit now in tatters, Supergirl refashions it into his normal Superman uniform, and he flies back to Metropolis while the other heroes remain in Engine City to take care of things. Superman now feels glad that he is alive again.
- As Superman and Steel press onward toward the heart of Engine City, Supergirl reveals herself as Superman's secret weapon against the troops they have encountered along the way. Superboy survives the destruction of the rocket that was diverted from destroying Metropolis, but is now left too weak to return to Engine City. Cyborg Superman begins to realize that his adversary Superman has returned from the dead and is now contemplating on how to personally deal with him. Mongul decides to end his unequal partnership with the Cyborg and fires up the engines of the city powered by Kryptonite. At the Fortress of Solitude, the Eradicator drains all its energy in order to repower himself and resume his fight against the Cyborg.
- As the Man of Steel brings his brawl with the Last Son of Krypton to a close with the latter conceding that there is more to being Superman than just having power, Lex Luthor II strikes a deal with the White Rabbit by having the Man of Steel delivered to her for her personal destruction. The Man of Steel is offered a free ride back to Metropolis where he is greeted by gunfire by the White Rabbit's gang and almost squashed to death by Graham's expanding mass. The White Rabbit takes Man of Steel to an abandoned factory for manufacturing parts for Toastmasters when she trips a switch, intending to trap him there while she sets off a bomb to destroy him with the factory. However, the Man of Steel causes the factory to collapse upon her while he escapes in time just before the bomb explodes.
- Man of Steel, Superboy, Supergirl, Lois Lane, and Lex Luthor II confront the new person that emerged from the Kryptonian battlesuit claiming to be Superman, with Lois Lane being the most difficult to convince until he speaks alone with her about things only the two of them knew about each other. Meanwhile, Cyborg Superman disciplines Mongul for his arrogance, while one of his two lackeys shows the other the revelation of who the Cyborg Superman really is: a human named Hank Henshaw who had been exposed to cosmic radiation along with the rest of his shuttle team and was assumed to have died from it, but was actually turned into an energy being that can manipulate machinery at will. Hank Henshaw's desire now is to defame Superman's name by committing the worst atrocities of the universe while bearing the face and name of his now adversary. Learning about Coast City now being turned into Engine City, the newly-appeared Superman decides to help and uses Team Luthor's jet boots to travel there with Man of Steel and Superboy following.
- As Man of Steel takes down a gang of thugs toting around Toastmasters in search for him, he almost gets one of them to reveal the location of the White Rabbit, but is shot to death by the gang's camera person. Steel takes the gun and the camera away and turns both of them over to the police. Lex Luthor II acquires the tape from the police, and his video experts believe the man captured on film was going to say "Spire", as in the Metrospire Hotel. Luthor decides to use this information in his effort to snare a Superman for himself.
As Lois Lane goes in the Daily Planet helicopter to the waterfront to check out a battle between two gangs that the Man of Steel is trying to stop, Superboy shows up to draw the gangsters' fire away toward him. However, one of the charges hits the Daily Planet helicopter, killing its pilot and causing Lois to bail out, only to be rescued by Man of Steel. Lois asks him if he's also claiming to be Superman, to which he answers he never said he was. Man of Steel takes Superboy high on top of a bridge to tell him his foolish stunt cost somebody a life, and that life could have been that reporter who follows him around . He warns the young hero to stay out of the shadows or else other people could get killed, causing Superboy to fly away angry.
Man of Steel is soon given a tip by Lex Luthor II about the White Rabbit's hideout being at the Metrospire penthouse, with the only provision being that he gets coverage by WLEX. Man of Steel accepts the tip, but refuses to accept any sponsorship. Luthor secretly planted a bug on Man of Steel so that they could track him. At the penthouse, John Henry Irons discovers that the White Rabbit is his former co-worker and lover Angora Lapin, who after his leaving the weapons company he worked for stole one of his weapons designs and used it to manufacture them to street gangs. After Irons turned down accepting any profits she made from the sales, but threatening to turn her over to the Feds, White Rabbit used a Toastmaster to blow him out the window, crashing into an oil truck and causing it to explode. Superboy, who was nearby, grabbed Man of Steel out of the flaming wreckage, burning his hands in the process, which startles the older hero, expecting him to have Superman's invulnerability. Superboy explains that he came to apologize to Man of Steel for his actions, feeling guilty for what he did. Man of Steel says he shares in the blame for making the very weapons that caused the pilot's death.
Meanwhile, Lois ponders about the Man of Steel. While the other Supermen she has met have his face, his body, and his costume, he is the only one who seems to have Superman's soul.
- As Superboy and Supergirl come to the rescue of people and vehicles on the just-destroyed Hobsneck Bridge, the Regeneration Matrix inside the Fortress of Solitude overloads and breaks open to reveal a figure in Kryptonian garb resembling Superman. He is taken to a bank of monitors where he sees the four Supermen in action and decides that he must get to Metropolis as soon as possible. Lex Luthor II snarls in anger as he realizes that Superboy had signed on with a different promoter, Rex Leech. A just-recovered Jonathan Kent is itching to reveal to the world that the four Supermen aren't the real Superman. The Last Son of Krypton confronts the Man of Steel in a destructive brawl that Lois Lane bravely intercedes, telling them that they are dishonoring the symbol they're carrying. As a process server tries to get the two Supermen to cease and desist using the Superman name as it has been trademarked by Rex Leech, the Last Son of Krypton burns his papers and sends him running. The Man of Steel carries the Last Son of Krypton away in order to reason with him, but the Kryptonian only brings the fight to another city: Coast City.
- As Guy Gardner reads the news of four superhero contenders to the name Superman and decides to travel to Metropolis to investigate, the Last Son of Krypton stops a would-be bank robber by breaking his hands, sending him to the hospital. Lois Lane visits the victim in the hospital when she runs into an older man whom she thought resembled Clark Kent by his hat and glasses. Inspector Henderson, who is now made commissioner of the Metropolis police force, now promotes Captain Maggie Sawyer to inspector and has her investigate the case of the four Supermen. The Last Son of Krypton confronts Guy Gardner in a knock-down drag-out brawl when they come across an illegal arms sale which the Kryptonian brutally stops, unexpectedly winning the respect of Guy and making the Last Son of Krypton wonder if there is a better way to handle things.
- As Lois Lane tracks down another Superman appearance, still pining over not seeing Clark Kent reappearing after Jonathan Kent's claim of bringing his son back, S.T.A.R. Labs has a face-to-face encounter with a "Superman" asking for the body of Doomsday, which has been turned over to Project Cadmus. Lois assumes Project Cadmus has taken Superman's body again and now drives over to where she thinks it is in Metropolis, when Project Cadmus deals with a mysterious intruder demanding the body of Doomsday, firing everything they have at it with no effect. They are aghast when they see that the intruder is "Superman" -- but now in the form of a cyborg. Using a combination of Kryptonian abilities and new cybernetic ones, Cyborg Superman finds where the body of Doomsday is stored and brings it out into space, tying it up with strong metal cables to an asteroid and sending it hurtling toward deep space. Cyborg Superman then appears unto Lois Lane, trying to convince her that he is truly Superman. She takes him to Professor Hamilton's lab where he uses his special chamber to scan him, and reports that half of him has Superman's DNA and half of him is composed of Kryptonian technology -- suggesting that somehow this is Superman come back to life. Meanwhile, in deep space, Doomsday lets out a chilling laugh.
- A group of thugs in a taxicab drive by the Superman memorial statue in Centennial Park and begin shooting at it with their guns. Soon after, they attempt to run down an attractive jogger, but a young boy claiming to be the man of steel intercepts them. Crushing the car, he steals a pair of trendy sunglasses from one of the goons and kisses the would-be victim before flying off.
In Suicide Slum, a homeless woman throws a satchel containing three puppies into the harbor. She cannot afford to feed them and would prefer to save them the pain of hunger by drowning them. Fortunately, Bibbo Bibbowski is nearby and dives into the water to save the puppies. He only manages to rescue one before they drown and decides to adopt it. He names it Krypton after the birth planet of his favorite hero, Sooperman.
Meanwhile, the young Superman arrives at the Daily Planet announcing his triumphant return. Lois Lane meets him and is hardly convinced that this is in fact the one, true Superman. This Super-boy begins to flirt with her until he sees a younger reporter, Tana Moon, leaving the Daily Planet building. He introduces himself to Tana and learns that she works for Vincent Edge at WGBS. Tana convinces Superboy to give her a talk-show exclusive interview and he finally broadcasts to the world that he is not the true Superman, but rather his clone. Lex Luthor discovers the news broadcast and summons Project Cadmus administrator, Carl Packard, to his office.
At Galaxy Communications, Vincent Edge develops a scheme to maintain exclusive rights to report on the new Superboy. He convinces Tana to stay close to the kid and keep abreast of all of his activities.
Superboy learns of a hostage situation taking place on Easy Street in the Suicide Slum district of Metropolis. The Intergang leader known as Steel Hand is laying siege to the city and Superboy is the only hero powerful enough to stop him. Superboy zooms in, destroys all of Steel Hand's weapons and easily knocks him out with a swift blow to the jaw.
After the dust settles, the Metropolis Kid flies to a nearby rooftop where he finds Guardian of Project Cadmus waiting for him. Guardian does not approve of Superboy's reckless behavior, but admits that the kid is handling things far better than he had predicted.
- In Engine City, Mongul and the Cyborg Superman stage their next plan of attack. With the heavy smoke and fog surrounding the city, nobody knows that they are the true architects of Coast City's destruction. They plan on striking Metropolis next and transforming it into a second Engine City. Superboy meanwhile, finally breaks free of his shackles by way of a strange form of telekinesis - a power that not even Superman possessed. Weak and tired, he starts flying off to warn the people of Metropolis.
Back in Metropolis, Jeb Friedman continues to console Lois Lane, but Lois' thoughts are elsewhere. She keeps thinking about the Cyborg Superman. There is something about him that doesn't sit right with her, and she begins to suspect that he may not be the real Superman. She goes to Perry's office and tells him that she is going to Coast City. Perry forbids it, but Lois is undeterred.
At the Lexcorp Tower, Supergirl flies into Lex's office and tells him that she is going to Coast City. Lex wants to keep her in Metropolis and finds the perfect excuse when he receives word of a giant robot approaching Metropolis. He tells her that this robot poses an immediate threat and that it might even be another "Doomsday". Supergirl flies off to find the robot.
Lois arrives at O'Hara Airport in Oaktown and finds the Man of Steel waiting for her. The two talk about their shared misgivings of the Cyborg Superman. Steel doesn't believe that the Last Son of Krypton is responsible for destroying Coast City as the Cyborg claims. The two look up and see Supergirl soaring past them. Steel follows her to see what she is up to and they encounter the giant robot rising up out of the bay. Supergirl wastes no time and takes the offensive. Steel lends a hand and propels himself straight towards the robot's face plate. Superboy finally arrives in Metropolis as Steel continues to pound at the enemy with his hammer. The robot staggers and ceases to move. Following the fight, Superboy tells the others that the Cyborg Superman and Mongul are the true villains in this debacle and that they plan on striking Metropolis next. Suddenly, a chamber at the bottom of the robot opens and discharges its operator - a being who bears a striking resemblance to Superman. Upon overhearing Mongul's plans to strike the city he barks, "Metropolis --? Over my dead body!"
- Lex Luthor II is desiring to prove that the four pretenders to the name Superman are all liars when the LexSat communications satellite picks up an enormous spacecraft approaching Earth, with telemetry suggesting that it's heading toward Coast City. Meanwhile, the Last Son of Krypton is in Coast City helping to put out a fire at Ferris Aircraft when he hears the warning of the spacecraft coming and decides to stay and help. White House security contacts Cyborg Superman of the same situation and decides to head to Coast City to deal with it. As the enormous ship hovers over Coast City, it launches loads of carnage globes all over. The Last Son of Krypton is puzzled over their appearance and decides to investigate the ship that's dropping them, but the Cyborg Superman blasts him away, saying he will be blamed for the destruction of Coast City. Soon the carnage globes ignite, releasing a firestorm that consumes the entire city and reduces the Last Son Of Krypton to a nearly powerless humanoid form of energy. Over the crater that was Coast City, the ship launches mechanical "seeds" that burrow into the ground and build a new "city" in its place. The Cyborg Superman hides what he sees from White House security by saying that there's nothing left in the place where Coast City was and rendezvous with the captain of the ship, who turns out to be Mongul, kneeling before him and kissing his hand. Cyborg Superman says that Metropolis will be next.
- Following the destruction of Coast City, the Cyborg Superman continues to play himself as a hero, claiming that a "rogue Superman" is behind the destruction and asks for help in dealing with him. Superboy is called to duty to join Cyborg Superman, though Tana Moon tells him she won't be going with him due to her boss Vincent Edge telling her that Superboy is the main attraction, not her. As the two Supermen enter into the danger zone, Cyborg Superman shows his true colors and destroys the helicopter escort following them, then he attacks Superboy with the intent of destroying him. During the struggle, Superboy inadvertently causes the Cyborg's cybernetic arm to explode, though he has no idea how. Despite this, Cyborg succeeds in overpowering Superboy just as he sees the mechanical city built over the crater of what once was Coast City.
- At the Fortress of Solitude, a team of service robots labor to reconstitute their deceased master, Superman. A consciousness emerges, but it is a being without true physicality. All at once, it experiences a flash of memories - Superman's final moments in battle against Doomsday. The energy being flies off, desperate to rejoin its corporeal self. It finds Superman's body within its tomb. Moments later, "The Last Son of Krypton" emerges. Donning Superman's cape, he flies off back towards the Fortress of Solitude. At the fortress, the Last Son enters a solar-powered regeneration chamber. He emerges from the machine with renewed vitality and a clear sense of purpose. He now has the ability to project energy blasts from his hands, but he is also sensitive to ultraviolet light and must wear a protective visor. Although he only has a few memories of life as Superman, he commits himself to serving the cause of justice.
The Last Son flies back to Metropolis and begins responding to various crimes. Unlike the Superman of old however, the Last Son employs more drastic measures towards fighting injustice. He saves the life of a woman from a mugger by smashing the man through a wall, killing him. He chases another criminal and hospitalizes him, leaving third degree burns across his body. Reports go out across the city, and people begin to speculate -- Has Superman returned?
Later, Lex Luthor discovers that Superman's body is missing. He is furious at his technicians, whom he had instructed to monitor Superman's tomb at all times. Supergirl bursts into his office, angry that he withheld news of Superman's possible return from her. Lex placates Supergirl and tells her that he didn't want to get her hopes up until rumors of Superman's return can be confirmed.
Still later, Lois Lane manages a chance encounter with the Last Son. Even though he looks like Superman and shares some of his memories, his personality is completely different. Lois fears that even if Superman has truly returned, she has still lost him.
- Jonathan Kent suffers a massive heart attack and is taken to the hospital. As doctors labor to save him, Jonathan's spirit leaves his body and he experiences visions of his past. He recalls being a soldier in the Korean War, trying to save the life of a downed airman. He sees his brother Harry, dressed in military fatigues, and knows that something is wrong. Harry Kent died in a farming accident in Smallville, not in Korea. He discovers that the man he is trying to rescue, is not some mysterious downed airman, but his son - Superman. He finds Clark's soul-self, but Clark is ready to go on to the afterlife. Jonathan won't allow it. Desperately, he pleads with Clark and tells him that it is not his time. Moments later, the true architect behind Jonathan's visions reveals herself - Blaze. Blaze is trying to sever the spiritual cord between Jonathan and Clark. She barters for Jonathan's soul, but he refuses. Kismet appears and leads Jonathan down the proper spiritual path - one that takes him to a facsimile of the planet Krypton where Clark is part of an elaborate Kryptonian funeral procession. Clark finds himself engaged in a tug of war between Jonathan and his birth-father Jor-El. Jonathan dispels the image of Jor-El and pulls Clark back to safety. Suddenly, Jonathan comes to on the hospital operating table. His wife and the attending physicians try to calm him down, but he manages to tell Martha that he has brought Clark back.
In Metropolis, Gangbuster breaks up a drug deal only to learn that he has inadvertently disrupted a sting operation. The police try to arrest him, but Gangbuster runs off. One of the officers opens fire on him, and a bullet strikes Gangbuster in the shoulder. He dives off a building into Hob's Bay and swims away. He resurfaces later and finds a man named Bibbo Bibbowski. Bibbo invites him to come to his place to rest.
Rumors and reports begin circulating that Superman has returned to Metropolis. Lois Lane is dubious, but has to learn the truth for herself. She contacts Inspector Henderson and they go to Centennial Park to inspect Superman's tomb beneath his memorial statue. When they arrive, they are shocked to discover that Superman's coffin is empty.
- John Henry Irons tells some neighborhood kids the folk tale of John Henry - a working class steel driver who made history by drilling a hole in the side of a mountain faster than a competing steam engine. As the tale concludes, the children turn to leave. Suddenly, a car screams around the corner as rival gang members trade shots with one another. One of the gangsters belonging to the Mustangs fires a Toastmaster handgun and accidentally kills one of the children, Zoid. John Henry Irons recognizes the ordnance and gives chase. He dives onto the car, but they manage to shake him off.
Later, Myra and Keith Parks visit John in the hospital. John tells Keith the story of how Superman one saved his life. He also tells him how he witnessed Superman's final battle against Doomsday. After being discharged, John walks home. He remembers the promise he once made to Superman to make his life count for something. However, he also recalls that he is the one who invented the Toastmaster weaponry to begin with. To honor Superman's memory, John Henry forges a suit of armor for himself and commits himself to getting the Toastmasters off the streets. Accenting the armor is an S-shaped shield reminiscent of Superman's emblem. John Henry Irons is now the "Man of Steel".
He tracks down the Mustangs responsible for Zoid's death and disarms them. He pins one of them against a brick wall using steel spikes fired from his gauntlets. Before he can question him however, the gang member's supplier, the White Rabbit, observes the spectacle from a nearby rooftop and kills him with a Toastmaster sniper rifle.
Meanwhile, Lois Lane runs into union leader Jeb Friedman. Jeb knows that Clark Kent is legally dead, so he begins to make his moves on Lois. Lois knows that Jeb is an opportunist, but in this moment of weakness, she lets him provide her comfort while she continues to come to terms with the loss of Superman.
At Lexcorp Tower, Lex Luthor and Sydney Happersen monitor television broadcasts of John Henry's actions. Lex is confident that he will finally be able to get a "Man of Steel" on his payroll.
- Superboy saves a car filled with teenagers from crashing off the side of Metropolis Bridge. Tana Moon is present and records the event from passenger seat of a WGBS news helicopter. Supergirl arrives and introduces herself to Superboy. Despite having to endure a few lewd comments, she invites Superboy to a dinner date with her employer Lex Luthor. Superboy agrees, but also arranges for a dinner date with Tana Moon.
Meanwhile, one of Vincent Edge's contacts, an unscrupulous talent scout named Rex Leech, hires a mercenary called Stinger to put a hit out on Superboy. After Stinger leaves to track down the Boy of Steel, Rex contacts Edge.
Bibbo Bibbowski meanwhile, gets an engraved dog tag for his new puppy Krypton. The engraver has a six-letter maximum however, and the tag actually reads "Krypto". Bibbo refuses to let the engraver add the extra letter for any fee and simply goes home with his dog now called Krypto.
That evening, Superboy meets with Lex and Supergirl in Lex's penthouse. Lex asks him to join "Team Luthor" exclusively. Supergirl sweetens the offer, by reminding Superboy that they will be able to work together as partners. Without really considering what he's getting into, Superboy agrees. Superboy suddenly remembers his dinner date with Tana and flies off.
He meets Tana and Vincent Edge at 344 Clinton Street. Edge gives Superboy the apartment formerly occupied by the missing Clark Kent. Rex Leech enters the room and introduces himself to Superboy. Also present is Rex's vivacious daughter Roxy. Roxy Leech is overly smitten with Superboy and gives him a huge hug. Vincent wants Superboy to sign an exclusive contract with WGBS. Distracted by Roxy pawing at him, Superboy agrees and signs the contract. Tana grows uncomfortable with the meeting and feels that Vincent Edge is manipulating Superboy. Vincent reminds Tana that Superboy gets WGBS the ratings while she is replaceable.
Later, the Stinger attacks Superboy near Hob's River. The two trade blows, and Stinger briefly gives Superboy pause when he fires an electrified grappling line at him. Supergirl arrives to lend a hand, but Stinger wasn't paid to deal with two power houses. He fires explosive rounds at the bridge then makes his escape. The charges go off, and neither Superboy nor Supergirl are fast enough to stop the bridge from collapsing.
Meanwhile in outer space, a mysterious cosmic menace pilots his space craft. The ship will reach Earth in three days.
- In Metropolis, Maggie Sawyer, Dan Turpin, and the SCU stop a brawl going on between two feuding factions of Superman worshipers at his memorial statue. Superboy wakes up to find himself heavily bound and a prisoner of Cyborg Superman and Mongul inside what is now called Engine City. Cyborg Superman deceives the Justice League Task Force into traveling into space to track down the "rogue Superman" responsible for Coast City's destruction. Lois Lane and Maggie Sawyer discover that something has siphoned off part of the memorial statue's mass. Mongul secretly transmits to Superboy in his prison Cyborg Superman's plan to turn Metropolis into another Engine City. In Superman's Fortress of Solitude, the heavily injured Last Son of Krypton is placed in a special healing chamber where he is forced to come to terms in knowing that he is actually the Eradicator who has deluded himself into thinking he is Superman. At the bottom of the sea, a Kryptonian battlesuit traverses the deep, its passenger heading for Metropolis.
- Hal Jordan evades missiles and enters Engine City. He tackles Mongul, as a defeated Superman and Supergirl look on.
Elsewhere, Carol Ferris calls Dinah Lance and then drives to Coast City — only to find that it has been utterly destroyed and replaced by Engine City.
Hal continues his fight with Mongul. Mongul gains the upper hand, injuring Hal's knee and arm, taunting him as his power ring has no effect on anything yellow. Hal fights the pain and uses his ring to make a suit of armor. He then hits Mongul with John Henry Iron's hammer.
Hal meets up with Superboy, Supergirl, and John Henry Irons. They break through a heavy door and find Superman battling with the Cyborg Superman. They choose not to intervene, and they watch Superman defeat the Cyborg.
After the battle, Hal contemplates using his ring to bring Coast City back. Suddenly, he sees Carol arriving at the city's outskirts. They're both glad to see each other alive. She then tells Hal that Green Arrow and Pieface have been kidnapped, and it's her fault.