My English Wiki is a biblical-history website that is a wiki. Being a wiki makes My English Wiki a unique Christian website compared to others as it allows for people to collaboratively contribute content. Aside from being a distinct type of website, (trying to be more of an encyclopedia and mass-informational bible study site compared to others) this serves the purpose for Christian editors who agree with our beliefs to work together. This can facilitate both a systematic or organized approach that helps believers study certain areas of the Bible as well as creating interactions with those who do not understand the Bible.
My English Wiki is a biblical-history website that is a wiki. Being a wiki makes My English Wiki a unique Christian website compared to others as it allows for people to collaboratively contribute content. Aside from being a distinct type of website, (trying to be more of an encyclopedia and mass-informational bible study site compared to others) this serves the purpose for Christian editors who agree with our beliefs to work together. This can facilitate both a systematic or organized approach that helps believers study certain areas of the Bible as well as creating interactions with those who do not understand the Bible.