| - Yoshi:Last time on Cartoon Survivor,The challange was a inventing somthing,Phineas won,Daffy Duck got elimanated,What happens next. Spongebob:(Confessinal) Were in the final 9 and no one from show is elimanated. Patrick:(Confessinal) Yay! I maid it to the final 9. Yoshi:Today you be using karate skills to fight each and the challage starts now. Sandy:(Knoaks down Soos) (10 minutes later) Yoshi:The last the people left are Spongebob and Sandy. Spongebob:(Punches Sandy) Sandy:(Knoaks down Spongebob) Yoshi:Sandy wins immunity so don't vote here of tonigt (At Tribal Council) Yoshi:Welcome back to the place were have the reason that we never had a character from Spongebob Squarepants elimanated and Spongebob your first to vote. Spongebob:(Walks to voting box) (Writes S-Q-U-I-D-W-A-R-D :( ) Sorry i just want someone from my show elimanated. Patrick:(Votes) Sandy:(Votes) Squidward:(Walks to voting box) (Writes S-P-O-N-G-E-B-O-B) You and patrick are so annoying. Soos:(Votes) Phineas:(Votes) Ferb:(Votes) Finn:(Votes) Jake:(Votes) Yoshi:I'll read the votes (Gets votes) 1st vote Squidward,Squidward,Squidward,Spongebob,Spongebob,Squidward,Squidward,Squidward,That's 6 votes Squidward and 2 votes Spongebob,and the 12th person voted off of Cartoon Survivor Borneo and the 4th Jury Member is Squidward,Squidward bring me your torch. Squidward:(Brings torch) Yoshi:The tribe have spooken (Snuffs torch) Squidward it's time for you go. Squidward:(Leaves) Yoshi:Get your torches and go back to camp. (Everyone goes back to camp with their torches)