Alien: The Illustrated Story is a graphic novel adaptation of film of the same name that was first published by Heavy Metal magazine in June 1979. Originally published in black and white, the story was written by Archie Goodwin, based on the original screenplay by Dan O'Bannon, illustrated and inked by Walt Simonson, lettered by John Workman and edited by Charles Lippincott, with cover art by Simonson.
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| - Alien: The Illustrated Story
| - Alien: The Illustrated Story is a graphic novel adaptation of film of the same name that was first published by Heavy Metal magazine in June 1979. Originally published in black and white, the story was written by Archie Goodwin, based on the original screenplay by Dan O'Bannon, illustrated and inked by Walt Simonson, lettered by John Workman and edited by Charles Lippincott, with cover art by Simonson.
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| - Alien: The Illustrated Story
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- June 1979
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| - Alien: The Illustrated Story is a graphic novel adaptation of film of the same name that was first published by Heavy Metal magazine in June 1979. Originally published in black and white, the story was written by Archie Goodwin, based on the original screenplay by Dan O'Bannon, illustrated and inked by Walt Simonson, lettered by John Workman and edited by Charles Lippincott, with cover art by Simonson. Following the original publication, the next Alien franchise-related comic book to be released would be the 1988 series Aliens: Outbreak, a sequel to James Cameron's Aliens, by the then-recently formed Dark Horse Comics. This would go on to spawn an entire line of Aliens comics by Dark Horse that continues until the present. As Dark Horse had no involvement with the original Alien adaptation (and do not hold the rights to it), it is not considered a part of the company's Aliens line and has never been collected in any form with the later Dark Horse releases.