| - Looting is the primary method by which Geralt acquires of various kinds. He can loot containers and corpses. Items which can be acquired in this manner are listed below in general categories:
- Loot may drop from certain mobs and always drops from boss fights. DCUO intially merely featured group loot, which often led to problems such as Ninja Looting. While still existent in the game as of 2016, most item drops are now individual loot. While group loot always had a picker menu for the players to roll for the items, individual loot went directly into the inventory for a while until the Loot Picker was introduced in 2015.
- In World of Warcraft, il termine loot ha due significati: 1.
* Roba (tesoro, che può essere rappresentato da oggetti o denaro) che si raccoglie dai cadaveri dei mob uccisi o da certi contenitori (forzieri, barili, casse ecc) 2.
* L'atto (in inglese to loot, looting) di mettere nella propria borsa il loot vero e proprio.
- Here are some of the Loot items (there is much more, too much to name them all):
- Loot is any item dropped after killing an enemy. Some items only show up for you, others will be rolled for among the party. Rolls can be Need, Greed, or Pass. Need rolls always come before Greed, and pass ensures you will NOT get the item. Need rolls should only be used when you actually NEED the item, Greed rolls should be used for anything you don't intend to use or want to sell. Need before Greed! Remember to keep your partymates in mind when rolling for an item.
- Loot refers to the items obtained by the player after defeating a certain monster enemy in the Ivalice series of games. With changes made to the way players obtain items after battle, loots have become a crucial element in the gameplay.
- Le loot c'est quand on trouve un truc et qu'on le ramasse. On vient, par notre acte, de "looter". Notons qu'une loutre, ça ne se ramasse pas, parce que c'est protégé une loutre. Par extension - voire flexion - on peut looter un truc, ce truc étant un loot lootable que l'on peut donc looter. Mais il peut aussi s'employer de manière réfléchie, si bien qu'un truc qui loote, peut être looté et peut aussi looter. On observera, dans ce cas, la disparition du verbe auxiliaire être dans la dernière phrase.
- El término loot se refiere a cualquier objeto obtenido de una criatura al morir. Usualmente los objetos mas raros son los mas valiosos. -Lootear: Acción de tomar los objetos soltados por un monstruo muerto. Ejemplos: "Ayer lootié una Bata Maestra", "¿Looteaste algo bueno cuando fuiste con los Figones?"
- Loot er betegnelsen for en gevinst fra et bekæmpet væsen. Når du har besejret din modstander (Skal være en NPC), kan du højre-klikke på væsenets krop, og en liste med 'loot' vil dukke op. Dette kaldes også et 'Drop'.
- Loot is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. He is a large sailor who lives on Windfall Island and works at the Boating Course. Every day, he goes to work; every night, he returns to Windfall to use his earnings at the Cafe Bar. Loot seems to have a fear of the Fishmen that live in the Great Sea.
- When a player destroys an enemy ship, any cargo that the ship is carrying will be left floating in space. If the player has a tractor beam, they can lock on to the "loot" and it will be pulled into his or her ship's cargo hold. The exception to this is any ship labelled "Hijacker" in red, encountered during a Salvage mission. These ships will always be carrying either a "Secure Container" or a "Secure Cabin" when scanned, but these are destroyed if the ship is destroyed. The only way to loot these ships is to fire EMP weapons at the ship until it is disabled, then lock on to the ship.
- Loot are spoils dropped by mobs, generally they can be sold or used to profit the player. Spellborn has a logical loot table, meaning that you will not find weapons on wolves but rather items that would make sense such as furs, torn ears, and other items you would expect on wolves.
- Loot are collectible items appearing in Sly 2: Band of Thieves, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. They can be pickpocketed from guards and sold on ThiefNet for a certain amount of coins.
- Loot is the term used to describe usable items in Borderlands.
- Loot is any item that is plundered from a fallen enemy's body.
- Loot or plunder consists of objects (weapons, clothes, ammunition, gold, tonics, etc.) that might be dropped by a pirate's enemy or enemy ship. These items are then available to be picked up after the battle. File:Loot Pouch.png
- After you defeat a MOB, a yellow disk will appear above thier corpse. When that yellow disk appears, it indicates that the corpse contains an item or items that can be taken by your character. This is called "looting". Sometimes all the corpse will have is Credits. Sometimes they will only have junk. But, sometimes they will have items that may be of use to your character or other characters.
- Loot se refiere a cualquier item that can be scavaged (looted) from the bodies de criaturas muertas o jugadores. Loot varies by creature, and some items are found more frequently than others. Usually the most valuable items are the most rare.
- The term "loot" refers to any item that can be scavaged (looted) from the remains of slain Monsters. Loot varies by creature, and some items are found more frequently than others. Usually the most valuable items are the most rare.
- Loot is the term given to any monetary or materialistic reward attained from killing an enemy, completing a quest or bounty hunt, exchanging items with vendors, or exploring in the field. Among other rewards, loot includes weapons, and armor, materials, consumables, and Glimmer. For a list of all items, click .
- From Hindustani लूट / لوٹ lūt. (spoil, booty) < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Loot]] लुण्टा lu.nt.ā
- Loot refers to any item that can be scavaged (looted) from the bodies of dead Creatures or dead Players. Loot varies by creature, and some items are found more frequently than others. Usually the most valuable items are the most rare.
- Pieces of loot can be acquired by taking them from dead Monsters, extracting them from resource nodes with your Droids, purchasing them in Towns, receiving them from Mystery Gifts, and finding them within Loot Chests. Loot is divided into 4 types: Plants, Monster parts, Bugs, and Ores. Each can be turned into Emblems at the Emblem Forge. Tier 1-3 emblems can be used to craft gear at the Gear Forge, and tier 4-6 emblems can be used to make things at the Creation Machine. All Plants, Monster parts, and Bugs can be used to make potions or Ashen Dust at the Alchemy Station.
- Alebo Lootvanie je vyberanie predmetov z príšer, truhlíc, bossov.... thumb|Kurzor lootu Ak mobka má svoj loot(niečo z nej droplo, tak sa objaví kurzot lootu. Aj pri Gathering profesiách sa zbirajú/lootuju itemi/suroviny. V nastaveniach sa dá nastaviť Auto loot, teda nebudeme musieť na item klikať, ak máme miesto v bagloch tak to lootne za nás a v nich sa to aj "uskladní" . Kategória:Loot Kategória:Item
- When soloing, looting is easy — a "lootable" corpse emits a "glistening" effect, and the cursor will change to the "trade" cursor when you mouse over the corpse. Simply right-click (or Command-click on a Mac with 1-button mouse) on the corpse of the mob you just killed, and a window will pop up containing any loot the mob was carrying. (Sometimes this window is empty, which means the mob had no loot) Using Shift-right/Command-click "autoloots" the corpse, which picks up all items except "Bind on Pickup" items. For Bind on Pickup items, you will be prompted to accept the item, binding it to you, or turn it down, leaving it in the corpse. You can return and loot the corpse of any remaining items until it disappears.
- Image:Icon-shortcut.pngSee also: In World of Warcraft, loot can mean a couple of things: 1.
* Stuff (treasure: items or money) you get from mobs or containers (barrels, boxes, chests, etc). 2.
* The act (to loot; looting) of getting the stuff mentioned above.
- The term "loot" refers to any item that can be scavaged (looted) from the bodies of dead Creatures. Loot varies by creature, and some items are found more frequently than others. Usually the most valuable items are the most rare.
- The term loot (or drop) refers to the items, weapons, crafting materials, gold "dropped" by mobs when they are slain.
- Der Begriff "Loot" bezieht sich auf alle Gegenstände, die man in toten Monstern findet. Loot variiert je nach Monster, und einige Items finden sich häufiger als andere. In der Regel sind die wertvollsten Items rare oder very rare. Kategorie:Helm
- De l'anglais to loot (piller). Lorsqu'on "loot" un corps ou un monstre, cela signifie simplement qu'on a ramassé un ou plusieurs objet(s) qui s'y trouvai(en)t. S'applique aussi comme traduction anglaise du mot "butin". Une erreur récurrente est d'utiliser le terme de cette manière : VanCleef, il loot du super bon matos !. Le terme à utiliser dans ce cas est : VanCleef, il drop du super bon matos !.
- After each battle, each team will be rewarded with loot. Obviously the winner will receive more, but in order to prevent people from getting frustrated and rage-quitting, the devs decided that the losers of a match should get something instead of nothing. At the end of the match, currency is divided evenly among the team, and each player receives Essence points (see below). Items will be rolled for, but you can only roll for three items, so choose carefully.
- Loot refers to any item that can be scavenged (looted) from the bodies of dead Creatures or dead Players. Loot varies by creature, and some items are found more frequently than others. Usually the most valuable items are the most rare. The loot is always dropped in alphabetical order and in order of magnitude.
- While little in the way of details has been released regarding loot, as of December 8th, we have an accurate basic outline of the system:
* Unlike other MMOs, Jumpgate Evolution does not spawn a need/greed roll for loot.
* When an NPC (or a player in PvP combat) is defeated, zero or more loot crates are spawned.
* Each crate will be "owned" by an individual player who contributed to combat in a meaningful way.
* Each player who is counted as a contributor can only own a single crate.
* Each crate will contain random components.
* If the crate is not claimed, it will eventually become available for anyone to pick up.
* Defeated enemies will have appropriate loot. In other words, a Quantar light fighter may have a very different loot table from a Capital ship or a
- At many places in the game, you will get a reward in the form of items. Sometimes it's fixed (every time you play you get the same), like the items you get from Irzynn the Outfitter in Hawklor, or the at some point of a quest. But often it's random. We call the random ones loot. Some enemies/quests will have fixed item rewards. Others drop loot. Some encounters award a random item among a fixed selection (A Cold Winter's Night and A Haunting in Durnsig are prime examples). And there are also enemies/quests which have a fixed reward plus some loot. Item IDs range of Loot items are
- #loot is an extended command used to open an unlocked container on the floor. Containers in the inventory are opened by applying them. When a bag of tricks is #looted, it will bite you (for 1 to 10 hit points damage) and become identified. Sometimes looting a container may trigger a trap, such as a poison needle. Use the #untrap command to search the container for traps prior to looting. The loot command can also be used to remove the saddle from a saddled monster.
- Loot is items dropped by creatures and contained in chests. Most loot in Asheron's Call is generated using loot tables. There are tables for all the possible items and for all the stats (also known as mutations). The tables are organised into loot tiers with more powerful stats available at the higher tiers. Some types of item are found in all tiers while some do do not appear until the higher levels. For example, chainmail armor is available from tier 1 up to tier 8 but lorica armor does not appear in loot at all until tier 5.
* Mana Forge chests
* Grand Casino Chest