Robot Buddies is an American stop-motion animated comedy TV show that aired its pilot on April 11, 2014. The show was to air on June 4, 2014, but because Famous ISD also aired the same day, it got pulled out of the schedule, and instead aired two years later, in June 3, 2016. The show will air 26 episodes. It was announced that the show would be kind of like a miniseries, airing only 26 episodes, so a second season will not happen. The show went on a month-long hiatus after the 24th episode and came back on December 5, 2016, with the 2-part, 45 minute season and series finale entitled simply "Superman".
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| - Robot Buddies is an American stop-motion animated comedy TV show that aired its pilot on April 11, 2014. The show was to air on June 4, 2014, but because Famous ISD also aired the same day, it got pulled out of the schedule, and instead aired two years later, in June 3, 2016. The show will air 26 episodes. It was announced that the show would be kind of like a miniseries, airing only 26 episodes, so a second season will not happen. The show went on a month-long hiatus after the 24th episode and came back on December 5, 2016, with the 2-part, 45 minute season and series finale entitled simply "Superman".
- Robot Buddies is a comedy TV show that aired its pilot on April 11, 2014. The show was to air on June 16, 2014, but because Freshmen also aired the same day, it got pulled out of the schedule, and is expected to air on Summer 2016[1]. The show will air 26 episodes.
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Running Time
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Original release
| - 2014-04-11(xsd:date)
- --06-03
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Original language(s)
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Country of origin
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| - Robot Buddies is an American stop-motion animated comedy TV show that aired its pilot on April 11, 2014. The show was to air on June 4, 2014, but because Famous ISD also aired the same day, it got pulled out of the schedule, and instead aired two years later, in June 3, 2016. The show will air 26 episodes. It was announced that the show would be kind of like a miniseries, airing only 26 episodes, so a second season will not happen. The show went on a month-long hiatus after the 24th episode and came back on December 5, 2016, with the 2-part, 45 minute season and series finale entitled simply "Superman".
- Robot Buddies is a comedy TV show that aired its pilot on April 11, 2014. The show was to air on June 16, 2014, but because Freshmen also aired the same day, it got pulled out of the schedule, and is expected to air on Summer 2016[1]. The show will air 26 episodes.