| - Traps target for 4-5 game ticks.Only one trap can happen on each target.
- To bind means to hold legally responsible for performance of a contract.
- Bind or Entangle is a status effect present in some installments. Bound targets become incapable of moving to a different position.
* Meelee attacks will only be possible if the target is within meelee range. If the victim needs to approach the target, the attack will be barred.
* Ranged attacks and magic are not affected.
* Victims can struggle to free themselves. Other actors can struggle with the entanglement of the victim as well.
- Bind is included in the base system, this page should detail (or perhaps only create a checklist for) configuration under various common uses. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Bind is a member of the extremist superhero group the Seraphim.
- Bind gives 30 Magic experience and requires two nature, three earth, and three water runes to be cast.
- The Bind is an Active skill in S4 League.
- Bind, eli sidonta estää vastustajaasi liikkumasta viiteen sekuntiin. Se on ainoa liikkumisen estävä loitsu F2p-pelaajille. Yleensä sitä käyttävät F2p-velhot estämään uhrejaan juoksemasta pois Wildernessissä. Tätä on myös hyvä käytää Fist of Guthixsissa niihin jotka juoksevat karkuun. en:Bind Luokka:Taiat
- You can free yourself from bind by wiggling the left analog stick or by mashing buttons. It will end after 20 seconds no matter what you do.
- This spell may be useful in Fist of Guthix, as one cast can stop your target in their tracks allowing you to close in. However, the time is halved for all bind spells cast in there.
- Bind can mean one of the following in Star Wars: The Old Republic: 1.
* To bind an item, so it can no longer be traded to another character (or put up for sale at the Galactic Trade Network); this is also known as Bound. Also see, Bind on Pickup and Bind on Equip. A warning pops up before one preforms an action that binds an item to a character. 2.
* To enable a Bind Point as destination of the Quick Travel ability. 3.
* To set a keyboard character as a hotkey.
- While originally yo-yos were usually responsive (they returned to your hand with a light tug on the string), in the last few years a playing style has evolved that requires an unresponsive yo-yo. With these yo-yos, you have to wind string into the gap in order to generate enough friction to make the yo-yo return. This technique is called binding. A lot of different binding styles have evolved over the years, some of which can be seen in the YouTube video linked from the Infobox. This article introduces the most common binds.
- Bind is an unimplemented command used to tie up someone who has been held or subdued.
- Bind can have three meanings in World of Warcraft: 1.
* To change an item, so it cannot be traded to another character (or put up for auction at the Auction House); this is also known as Soulbound. Also see, Bind on Pickup and Bind on Equip. A warning pops up before you preform an action that binds an item to your player. 2.
* To set the teleport destination of your Hearthstone, as in bind point, i.e. which Inn your hearthstone will teleport you to. 3.
* To set a keyboard character as a hotkey.
- Bind can have three meanings in World of Warcraft: 1.
* To change an item, so it cannot be traded to another character (or put up for auction at the Auction House); this is also known as Soulbound. Also see, Bind on Pickup and Bind on Equip. A warning pops up before you preform an action that binds an item to your player. 2.
* To set the teleport destination of your Hearthstone, as in bind point, i.e. which Inn your hearthstone will teleport you to. 3.
* To set a keyboard character as a hotkey.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Bind Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Bind is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation I.
- Ein Ausdruck aus Everquest. Der Effekt eines Binds ist, zu entscheiden, wo ein Charakter nach seinem Tod wieder auftaucht. Ein Scan in AO hat ungefähr denselben Effekt.
- Bind is a Status Effect in the Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter. Characters affected by Bind are unable to move but can still attack anybody within their reach. Using the item Footloose can remove the status affect. Bind will also wear away in 3 turns.
- bind-wa Linuks päkeij für sörviŋ as dainämik DNS Sörvā. Jigùm-dè vörçion wa 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.1. The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) implements an Internet domain name server. BIND is the most widely-used name server software on the Internet, and is supported by the Internet Software Consortium, . This package delivers the libbind9 shared library used by BIND's daemons and clients. Changes for libbind9-140 versions:
* SECURITY UPDATE: denial of service via assertion failure
* debian/patches/CVE-2016-2776.patch: properly handle lengths in lib/dns/message.c
- Image:Bind.gif Bind is a Jupiter-based support Psynergy featured in both games. When used, it may cause the target's Psynergy to become sealed. During this time (which is usually not more than four or five turns at the most) the target is left unable to perform any Psynergy spells; if he/she tries, they will simply fail and waste their turn. It should be noted that the condition does not negate monster skills. This effect wears off after battle.
- Bind is een spreuk uit het standaard spellbook dat er voor zorgt dat degene op wie de spreuk wordt uitgesproken, 5 seconden niet kan bewegen. Het is de enige spreuk met zo'n effect dat beschikbaar is voor free spelers. Het wordt vaak gebruikt bij PvP of in activiteiten om spelers vast te zetten en op te houden. Zo kunnen magiërs gemakkelijk veel spelers doden. Deze spreuk is ook erg handig tijdens het spelen van Fist of Guthix. Zo kan iemand zijn tegenstander gemakkelijk inhalen. Er is wel ook een nadeel aan verbonden: de tijd dat iemand niet kan lopen, is gehalveerd in Fist of Guthix.
- Il bind (it: vincolo) è un termite che indica quando un oggetto non può più essere scambiato con altre persone, e viene indicato come "Soulbound" (it: vincolato all'anima). Esistono diversi tipi di bind:
- ! style="background:#ffdead;" width="35%"|Name ! style="background:#ffdead;" width="15%"|Level ! style="background:#ffdead;" width="60%"|Zone |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" | rowspan="4" | Amber Quadav | align="center" | 3-8 | North Gustaberg |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" | align="center" | 3-8 | South Gustaberg |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" | align="center" | 3-10 | Palborough Mines |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" | align="center" | 8-10 | Konschtat Highlands |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" | rowspan="5" | Orcish Mesmerizer | align="center" | 3-8 | East Ronfaure |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" | align="center" | 4-8 | West Ronfaure |- style="background:#e3e6ff;" valign="top" | align="center" | 3-9 | Ghelsba Outpo