| - When Percy was late one day, Cranky suggested that a lorry should do his work. True to his word (and delight), three red, incredibly rude lorries arrived the next day. Lorry 2 called Percy a lump of steaming scrap iron. Lorry 1 called Percy a "little green goblin on wheels", told him he would be scrapped, and insulted Thomas and James. At the quarry, Toby encountered Lorry 2, who told Toby that he belonged in a museum and also told him to "toodle off", saying that Toby wasn't useful. Toby tried to find work at the mill, but Lorry 3 was already. He says that the three lorries are doing the "slow" engines' work now. The foreman says that times are changing. Of course, all three got their comeuppance in due course: Lorry 2 fell off a mountainside (in front of Toby; Percy ironically echoed the "steaming scrap iron" line to him; Toby brings up the usefulness insult), Lorry 3 broke down after being overloaded with flour and was being brought to the docks by Butch, and Lorry 1 reversed into the sea. They were sent away and never returned. Later, Thomas saw the three lorries and due to the impact of their damage, he nicknamed them "Smashed", "Broken", and "Sunk".