| - A Will-o'-wisp is an ethereal spherical being made of a glowing blue fire, who ignites souls to use as fuel. [Source]
- A will-o'-wisp (aka will-o'-the-wisp) is a type of spirit that lives in the Twisting Nether. They travel as a string. (S&L 155-156) It is known for how it vanishes. (DotD 210)
- Will-o'-wisps, also called will-o'-the-wisps, are malicious fey creatures often seen floating over lakes or within swamps. They enjoy leading lone travelers off the beaten path at night. As the traveler follows the ghostly light into a dangerous swamp, the will-o'-wisp then extinguishes its light, leaving the traveler lost within a dark swamp where it is easy pray for the wisp or any other malicious creatures. The wisp then feeds on the fear and despair of the lost traveler.
- Race: aberration Alignment: chaotic evil Armor class: 20 Hit points: 40 Attack bonus: +3/-2 Damage: −4 piercing-slashing damage + d8 electrical damage (creature weapon) Hit dice (level): 9 Challenge rating: 8 Size: small Trained skills:(‡) listen (22), search (16), spot (22) Feats: alertness, darkvision, dodge, weapon proficiency (creature)
- The Will-O'-Wisp is an enemy from Grandia. It can be found inside the Soldier's Graveyard. Will-O'-Wisps may appear alongside Cerberuss and Sand Men and have the ability to cast Fire Hand and Divide.