| - In the years preceding the outbreak of war, the actions of King Aerys II Targaryen had become increasingly erratic, believed by some to be the result of spending several months as a confined prisoner during the Defiance of Duskendale. He had grievously insulted his former Hand, Lord Tywin Lannister, forcing his resignation after twenty years of loyal and efficient service, and had taken a disturbing interest in fire. Rumour also spoke of his mistreatment of the Queen and a tendency towards cruelty.
- Robert's Rebellion, also known as the War of the Usurper, was one of the last great civil wars among the Great Houses of Westeros that took place approximately seventeen years before Game of Thrones begins, and lasted about one year; two, if one counts the Assault on Dragonstone as the final engagement of the conflict. It began just after the execution of Rickard Stark, head of House Stark, and his son and heir Brandon by the Mad King, Aerys II. The end of the war saw the collapse of the Targaryen dynasty with the deaths of the Mad King and his son and heir, Prince Rhaegar, and the ascension of Robert Baratheon to the Iron Throne, thus beginning the Baratheon dynasty. Despite this, the Mad King's two other children were safely smuggled across the Narrow Sea to Essos: Viserys and Daenerys T
| - Robert's Rebellion, also known as the War of the Usurper, was one of the last great civil wars among the Great Houses of Westeros that took place approximately seventeen years before Game of Thrones begins, and lasted about one year; two, if one counts the Assault on Dragonstone as the final engagement of the conflict. It began just after the execution of Rickard Stark, head of House Stark, and his son and heir Brandon by the Mad King, Aerys II. The end of the war saw the collapse of the Targaryen dynasty with the deaths of the Mad King and his son and heir, Prince Rhaegar, and the ascension of Robert Baratheon to the Iron Throne, thus beginning the Baratheon dynasty. Despite this, the Mad King's two other children were safely smuggled across the Narrow Sea to Essos: Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. Meanwhile, unknown to almost everybody, a grandson, Jon Snow, who is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark, is raised by his maternal uncle, Eddard Stark, who passes Jon off as his bastard son.
- In the years preceding the outbreak of war, the actions of King Aerys II Targaryen had become increasingly erratic, believed by some to be the result of spending several months as a confined prisoner during the Defiance of Duskendale. He had grievously insulted his former Hand, Lord Tywin Lannister, forcing his resignation after twenty years of loyal and efficient service, and had taken a disturbing interest in fire. Rumour also spoke of his mistreatment of the Queen and a tendency towards cruelty. In 281 AL, the Year of False Spring, the king and his son, Prince Rhaegar, attended a great tourney at Harrenhal. Prince Rhaegar overthrew all challengers but surprised everyone when he named Lyanna Stark of Winterfell as the Queen of Love and Beauty, rather than his own wife, Elia Martell. It appears that Rhaegar became obsessed with the young Stark girl, and the following year he 'kidnapped' her from her family and took her south. Brandon Stark, the eldest son and heir to Lord Rickard, immediately rode to King's Landing to demand Rhaegar explain himself and return his sister to him. Rhaegar was not present, but King Aerys accused Brandon of plotting to murder the prince and had him and his companions, including Ser Elbert Arryn (the heir to the Vale), taken into custody. He ordered their fathers present themselves to explain their sons' behaviour. He had all of them killed, Brandon by strangling and Lord Rickard by immolation.