Vacuum energy was a form of quantum energy existing in space devoid of matter, first theorized in the mid 20th century. In the early 24th century, Darya Bat-Levi theorized on a way to harness vacuum energy to power a starship engine. Her twin brother, Joshua Bat-Levi, built upon these theories and built a practical engine which collected this energy in a magnetic containment field. This work was considered worthy of the Cochrane Medal, except that Bat-Levi's engine malfunctioned and the test ship, the Lion, was destroyed, killing Joshua and severely injuring Darya. (TLE novel: Well of Souls)
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| - Vacuum energy was a form of quantum energy existing in space devoid of matter, first theorized in the mid 20th century. In the early 24th century, Darya Bat-Levi theorized on a way to harness vacuum energy to power a starship engine. Her twin brother, Joshua Bat-Levi, built upon these theories and built a practical engine which collected this energy in a magnetic containment field. This work was considered worthy of the Cochrane Medal, except that Bat-Levi's engine malfunctioned and the test ship, the Lion, was destroyed, killing Joshua and severely injuring Darya. (TLE novel: Well of Souls)
- According to quantum theory, particles appear and disappear all the time. If they could be made to not disappear, that would be a practical energy source. That is probably what happened on a large scale during big bang. Such large scales of vacuum energy would bud off to form a separate universe, not damaging anything in this universe or any other preexisting universe. Vacuum energy could rescue the Universe from thermodynamic death, and creating new universes would create lots of new space! Maybe travel betwen universes can be achieved by wormholes. The Casimir effect is probably generated by a deficiency of vacuum energy caused by materials blocking the way for the energy. The workforce should test if graphene can generate a Casimir effect. Some blasted wikians delete all information abo
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| - According to quantum theory, particles appear and disappear all the time. If they could be made to not disappear, that would be a practical energy source. That is probably what happened on a large scale during big bang. Such large scales of vacuum energy would bud off to form a separate universe, not damaging anything in this universe or any other preexisting universe. Vacuum energy could rescue the Universe from thermodynamic death, and creating new universes would create lots of new space! Maybe travel betwen universes can be achieved by wormholes. The Casimir effect is probably generated by a deficiency of vacuum energy caused by materials blocking the way for the energy. The workforce should test if graphene can generate a Casimir effect. Some blasted wikians delete all information about the Casimir effect from their article about graphene!
- Vacuum energy was a form of quantum energy existing in space devoid of matter, first theorized in the mid 20th century. In the early 24th century, Darya Bat-Levi theorized on a way to harness vacuum energy to power a starship engine. Her twin brother, Joshua Bat-Levi, built upon these theories and built a practical engine which collected this energy in a magnetic containment field. This work was considered worthy of the Cochrane Medal, except that Bat-Levi's engine malfunctioned and the test ship, the Lion, was destroyed, killing Joshua and severely injuring Darya. (TLE novel: Well of Souls)