| - [[Archivo:Caos_señor_del_caos_portadores_de_la_palabra.jpg|thumb|254px|Campeón de los Portadores de la Palabra]] Burias Drak'Shal fue un Campeón del Caos poseído por un demonio y el portaestandarte de la 34ª Cofradía de la Legión Traidora de los Portadores de la Palabra, sirviendo bajo el mando del Apóstol Oscuro Jarulek y posteriormente de su sucesor, Marduk, el nuevo Apóstol Oscuro de la 34ª Cofradía.
- Burias had been born and raised in the monastery-prisons of Colchis but only indoctrinated into the Legion during the first great influx of Colchisian Aspirants after the XVIIth Legion's Primarch had learned the truth about the existence of the Chaos Gods during the Pilgrimage of Lorgar and his remembrance of the Old Faith of Colchis. Burias fought under the command of the Dark Apostle Jarulek and later Marduk in the 34th Host, as he was the latter's blood-sworn brother and closest ally. During the Horus Heresy Burias fought at Calth against the Word Bearers' most hated rivals, the Ultramarines Legion. Burias came to be known as Burias Drak'Shal after he willingly joined his soul with that of a daemon named Drak'Shal. Like the Gal Vorbak of old, Burias enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with
| - Burias had been born and raised in the monastery-prisons of Colchis but only indoctrinated into the Legion during the first great influx of Colchisian Aspirants after the XVIIth Legion's Primarch had learned the truth about the existence of the Chaos Gods during the Pilgrimage of Lorgar and his remembrance of the Old Faith of Colchis. Burias fought under the command of the Dark Apostle Jarulek and later Marduk in the 34th Host, as he was the latter's blood-sworn brother and closest ally. During the Horus Heresy Burias fought at Calth against the Word Bearers' most hated rivals, the Ultramarines Legion. Burias came to be known as Burias Drak'Shal after he willingly joined his soul with that of a daemon named Drak'Shal. Like the Gal Vorbak of old, Burias enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the daemon, appearing fully human and in control most of the time, only becoming a grotesquely mutated Possessed Chaos Space Marine at those times Drak'Shal was in control of their joint body. Eschewing the use of ranged weapons in battle, Burias revelled in the joy of close combat assault tactics which were greatly enhanced when he allowed Drak'Shal to fully manifest within his body. During numerous campaigns, Burias proved to be a great warrior, winning much glory for the 34th Host. When Marduk was elevated to the esteemed position of Dark Apostle of the 34th Host, Burias thought that he would be elevated as well, for he greatly coveted the position of the 34th Host's Coryphaus. Marduk had instead elevated the relatively new Battle-Brother Ashkanez to the position of First Acolyte of the Host. Bitter at what he viewed as a betrayal, Burias grew spiteful towards his former brother. Seeking to prey upon this bitterness to eliminate a rival, Ashkanez fuelled Burias' anger towards Marduk and secretly inducted him into the ranks of a hidden cabal known as The Brotherhood. This newest iteration of that ancient sect of the Legion was composed of Word Bearers primarily loyal to the Legion's Master of the Faith and First Captain, Kor Phaeron. Eventually, Burias revealed his betrayal to Marduk and was mortally wounded in a massive battle between the factions by Kol Badar, the 34th Host's Coryphaus. After the annihilation of Burias' co-conspirators, the traitorous former Icon Bearer was sent to the Basilica of Torments on Sicarus to suffer accordingly for his transgressions. Not satisfied that the pain and torture Burias endured was punishment enough, Marduk came up with an even more vile way of punishing his former brother. He had Burias entombed within a Chaos Dreadnought shell, entombing the traitor for all eternity within its Adamantium shell and then had the Dreadnought's limbs removed to slowly drive Burias insane, only rousing him in time of war.
- [[Archivo:Caos_señor_del_caos_portadores_de_la_palabra.jpg|thumb|254px|Campeón de los Portadores de la Palabra]] Burias Drak'Shal fue un Campeón del Caos poseído por un demonio y el portaestandarte de la 34ª Cofradía de la Legión Traidora de los Portadores de la Palabra, sirviendo bajo el mando del Apóstol Oscuro Jarulek y posteriormente de su sucesor, Marduk, el nuevo Apóstol Oscuro de la 34ª Cofradía. Con el tiempo, Burias quedó resentido con su hermano de sangre, Marduk, y con su éxito al escalar los peldaños de la jerarquía de la Legión, por lo que se unió a la cábala secreta conocida como la Hermandad, creada por el Primer Capitán de la Legión, Kor Phaeron, para acabar con otra facción existente en la escala superior de la Legión desde dentro. Cuando Burias reveló abiertamente su traición fue capturado por Marduk y encerrado dentro del sarcófago cibernético de un Dreadnought del Caos dañado para que sufriera por toda la eternidad.