Witch's Night Out is a Canadian animated television Halloween special that premiered on NBC October 27, 1978. Produced in a Toronto studio, it was the sequel to the 1974 special The Gift of Winter with the vocal talents from Dan Aykroyd and Valri Bromfield. It featured the voices of Fiona Reid as Nicely and Catherine O'Hara as Malicious, with Gilda Radner as the titular witch. Mill Creek Entertainment released this cartoon along with ten more classic Halloween-themed cartoons on DVD September 16, 2014. The Gift of Winter had its DVD release a month later from that same company.
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| - Witch's Night Out is a Canadian animated television Halloween special that premiered on NBC October 27, 1978. Produced in a Toronto studio, it was the sequel to the 1974 special The Gift of Winter with the vocal talents from Dan Aykroyd and Valri Bromfield. It featured the voices of Fiona Reid as Nicely and Catherine O'Hara as Malicious, with Gilda Radner as the titular witch. Mill Creek Entertainment released this cartoon along with ten more classic Halloween-themed cartoons on DVD September 16, 2014. The Gift of Winter had its DVD release a month later from that same company.
- The special's title character is a witch who enjoys frightening people. She is, however, not truly wicked and does not intend to do any real harm. On Halloween night, she hears two children make a wish to be changed into scary creatures. She uses her wand to transform the children and their babysitter for the evening. The three soon find out that being frightening is not much fun after all and what to be changed back. The witch then finds that she has lost her wand.
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| - John Leach
- Isobel Jean Rankin
| - John Leach
- Isobel Jean Rankin
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| - Gilda Radner
- Catherine O'Hara
- John Leach
- Bob Church
- Fiona Reid
- Gerry Salsberg
- Naomi Leach
- Tony Molesworth
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| - Animated Halloween special
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| - Witch's Night Out is a Canadian animated television Halloween special that premiered on NBC October 27, 1978. Produced in a Toronto studio, it was the sequel to the 1974 special The Gift of Winter with the vocal talents from Dan Aykroyd and Valri Bromfield. It featured the voices of Fiona Reid as Nicely and Catherine O'Hara as Malicious, with Gilda Radner as the titular witch. Like the earlier special, Witch's Night Out was produced by Jonathan Rogers (formerly known as John Leach) and Jean Rankin for NBC. It later aired on Fox and the Disney Channel every year from 1983 to the late 1990s. This cartoon film was released on videotape August 5, 1986 by Family Home Entertainment and PPI Entertainment in the late 90's. The film was resurrected once again by the original creator Jonathan Rogers and Animation Director Jimmy Cross and together with a new remastered film they formed Cross/Rogers and released it to Mill Creek Entertainment and This TV Network. Mill Creek Entertainment released this cartoon along with ten more classic Halloween-themed cartoons on DVD September 16, 2014. The Gift of Winter had its DVD release a month later from that same company. File:Witchsnightout2.jpg
- The special's title character is a witch who enjoys frightening people. She is, however, not truly wicked and does not intend to do any real harm. On Halloween night, she hears two children make a wish to be changed into scary creatures. She uses her wand to transform the children and their babysitter for the evening. The three soon find out that being frightening is not much fun after all and what to be changed back. The witch then finds that she has lost her wand. Witch's Night Out was released on VHS in 1986. It is included in a DVD of Halloween-themed cartoons which was released by Mill Creek Entertainment on September 16, 2014.