| - Dari is a member of the Raven Clan. He is Thull's and Luta's son. Oslak is his uncle. He is Torak's friend and in Outcast, he trys to run to Torak but gets pulled back by his father. In Spirit Walker he was almost killed when Oslak his uncle almost brought down the platform over the river whilst under the sickness.
- Dari es un forma de la lingua farsi cual es parlada en Afganistan de 50% de la popla. Lo es scriveda en la forma farsi de la scrive arabi. Lo es un lingua indo-european.
- Colaboro en MC Mong 4th & 5th albums. Aparecio en el MC Mong’s 2009 Concert “Variety Mind”, esto junto con Inati el lider el grupo.
- I dARI sono abitanti della città di "Dario" e inoltre la band simbolo dell'inwasione poser in Italia. Sono la wersione maschile, ma molto meno virile, di Awril Lawigne moltiplicata per sei diwisa per diciotto più wentordici e che sta succhiando wia i cerwelli di poweri bambini innocenti tramite canzoni di merda.
- Founder of the Dari Alliance
* He founded the Alliance in 265 ST
* He fought the Silver Empire and ultimately destroyed it.
* In 307 ST, He was killed in battle against Prince Keridonos whom he also killed. Sources: Seshnelan Kings List, Guide to Glorantha
- An Unwoman against her will, something went wrong during her transformation, so her appearance is more remarkable than others (not to mention the scars in her physique). Also, she has serious issues expressing her emotions, lost by errors in the process. Although her transformation was legal, meaning that she has a legal status as Unwoman, it's known that the process was done by unauthorized parties. The group speculates about the possibility that the ones responsible of her metamorphosis are the same group that created and sold the group that it was used as guardians in the house where Megail was detained against her will.
- Dari (in Langform Hy Dari oder Hi-Dari) war eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City in Utah (USA) und galt bis zu ihrem Tod als ältester Afrikanischer Elefant Nordamerikas. Dari wurde etwa 1960 in Kenia wild geboren. Im Juni 2008 rückte Dari nach dem Tod eines älteren Artgenossens zum ältesten lebenden Afrikanischen Elefanten in den USA auf. Auch eine andere Elefantin des Hogle Zoos hat ein sehr hohes Alter erreicht. Das asiatische Elefantenweibchen Kali starb im März 2004 mit 59 Jahren.
- Dari is an ambitious Ardeth Highborn. Though he does not hold the position of Ardeth Lordan, he wants it, probably more than Timmon, the actual lordan. When Adric, Lord Ardeth, went south, to search for Pereden's bones, Dari began managing the house, and come spring, he asked the Highlord to make him lordan regent, despite not having enough support within the Ardeth. Dari attended the Lordan's Presentation, and was described as a middle-aged man with a pissy expression. Even after Adric returned, Dari continued to push to be made lordan regent, especially after Adric started to show signs of sensibility.
- Dari ist ein NSC, einer der 365 Hapideiden, und zwar der Hapideid des Überflüssigen. Er ist der Ideengeber aller unnützen und überflüssigen Gegenstände: Kissen für den großen Zeh, Kamm für die Achselhaare oder Bücher für lops... Mit ihm wird alles Unnütze unabdingbar! Die Hapideiden sind die Beschützer der Tage in der Welt der Zwölf, und jeden kann man nur an einem einzigen Tag eines Jahres im Raum der jeweiligen Jahreszeit im Bibliotempel antreffen. Dari beschützt den 30. Descendre. Eine Übersicht aller 365 Opfergaben-Quests findet sich unter Almanax.