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- The game is set in the fictional underwater dystopia of Rapture, in a biopunk/dieselpunk 1968, eight years after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy, a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy, named Subject Delta, reactivates with no recollection of the past decade's events, and scours the city in an attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. Fearing this reunion will ruin her plans for the city, Sofia Lamb sends out her spliced up followers that she calls The Rapture Family and new Big Sisters in an attempt to deter Delta.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews BioShock 2.
- [[Kategorie:2K Marin2K Boston/2K AustraliaDigital Extreemes (Multiplayer)]] [[Kategorie:2K Games]] Kategorie:Ego-Shooter, Survival Horror Kategorie:USK18+ Kategorie:Spiele von A-Z BioShock 2 ist die lange erwartete Fortsetzung des Spiels BioShock. Es erschien offiziell in Deutschland am 9.2.2010. Lange wurde diskutiert, ob der Titel des Spiels BioShock 2: Sea of Dreams (übersetzt: See der Träume) lauten werde, dies ist jedoch nur der Titel des ersten Teaser-Trailers. Es wird den Spieler erneut in die Unterwasserstadt Rapture führen, dieses Mal als Subject Delta, dem 4. Daddy der Misslungenen Alpha-Serie.
- BioShock 2 is an upcoming first-person shooter video game, developed by 2K Marin and 2K Australia as the sequel to the critically acclaimed BioShock. It is scheduled for release on February 9, 2010. It will be available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows platforms.
- Gameplay The player will take the role of the first Big Daddy ever created in Rapture, who possesses superior speed and intelligence than subsequent Big Daddies, though he lacks some of their strength. He has seemingly survived the events of the first game. As such, the Big Daddy's drill and rivet gun will be weapons that the player may use, but the drill will overheat if used constantly. Alternatively, the player may also use plasmids, and their effects have been changed, while "upgrade trees" will provide unique ways to upgrade plasmids, however other Big Daddies won't have the ability to use them. A new feature added is the ability to dual-wield plasmids and weapons at the same time. Further Big Daddy abilities found in the first game, such as performing a shoulder dash, will also be an
- BioShock 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by 2K Marin for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 video game consoles and the Windows operating system. The game is set in the fictional underwater dystopia of Rapture in a Dieselpunk 1968, eight years after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy; a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy, named Subject Delta, reactivates with no recollection of the past decade's events and scours the city in an attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. Fearing this reunion will ruin her plans for the city, Sofia Lamb sends out her spliced up followers that she calls The Rapture Family
- BioShock 2 is the sequel to BioShock, and is designed to continue the grand storyline of the underwater metropolis, Rapture. It was released on February 9, 2010. The Mac OS X version of the game was published by Feral Interactive and released on March 29, 2012.