| - The National Biosurveillance Integration System (NBIS) (now renamed the Biosurveillance Common Operating Network (BCON)) is a national interagency biosurveillance integration body led by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in accordance with a series of U.S. laws and directives. It serves as the platform for information exchange between senior leaders and partners agencies and facilitates the early recognition of biological events, including natural disease outbreaks, accidental or intentional use of biological agents, and emergent biohazards. NBIS provides situational awareness through the acquisition, integration, analysis and dissemination of information from existing human disease, food, agriculture, water, meteorological, and environmental surveillance systems and relevant threat and intelligence information. NBIS has 530 information feeds across six domains, including:
* Public heath
* Food safety
* Water quality
* Animal disease
* Plant disease
* Wildlife disease These sources include interagency communications and 165 open source sites, including 20 organizational sites, 14 federal government sites, 85 state, local, or territorial government health and agriculture sites, 35 foreign government sites, and 2 commercial sites. This capability is achieved by creating the governance, procedures and process, and technology frameworks that permit the sharing of health event information across state and local public health agencies, healthcare providers, and other private and public sector organizations.