| - Argento is a Tsviet who plays a minor role in the Online Mode of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-.
- Argento was een zilveren spirit tree, die ooit in de Gnome Stronghold leefde. Zijn dood was het resultaat van een krachtige spreuk. Argento is op dit moment de enige zilveren spirit tree, waarvan het bestaan bekend is. Wat zijn dit precies betekende is onbekend, maar het kan een symbool zijn van zijn macht. Vandaag de dag is er niets over van Argento, behalve een verkoolde zilveren stomp aan de zuidkant van de Stronghold, bij Brimstail zijn grot. In Latijn betekent Argento 'Zilver'. en:Argento
- Argento is currently the only known silver spirit tree to ever live in RuneScape. Exactly what this signified is unknown, but it may have been a symbol of great power. Argento was said to be a kind, wise tree, who was always willing to speak with the gnomes that lived in the Gnome Stronghold. He was a particularly good friend of Hazelmere, a former advisor of King Healthorg. They spent many hours talking to each other during the king's reign.
- Argento was the first of the spirit trees, planted when the Anima Mundi was very strong, and had existed since the first colonisation of Gielinor. He was a good friend to Guthix, with a great understanding of the Anima Mundi, such that he was one of Guthix's greatest confidants. To relieve him of the suffering he witnessed during the God Wars, Guthix, upon awakening, opened a channel to Argento and filled his spirit with power. The spark took his memories from him, including the pain and trauma of the God Wars; it also drew his colour from him, leaving him silver, unique among his kind.
- Argento is currently the only known silver spirit tree to ever live in RuneScape. Exactly what this signified is unknown, but it may have been a symbol of great power. Argento was said to be a kind, wise tree, who was always willing to speak with the gnomes that lived in the Gnome Stronghold. He was a particularly good friend of Hazelmere, a former advisor of King Healthorg. They spent many hours talking to each other during the king's reign. Today, all that remains of Argento is a charred silver stump on the south side of the stronghold, near Brimstail's cave.
- Der Argento ist eine Münze des Kaiserreiches Karcanon. Argento bedeutet in der Allgemeinen Sprache Silber. Die Gold- und Silbermünzen des Kaiserreiches sind Kurantmünzen. Ihr Nominalwert entspricht dem Wert des Metalls, aus dem die Münze geprägt wurde. Sie sind im ganzen Kaiserreich Karcanon einziges gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel, allein in Taron don Umn zirkuliert zusätzlich eine lokale Währung. Die Münzen des Kaiserreiches sind rund. Währung des Kaiserreiches Karcanon: 1 Talent = 100 Oro 1 Oro = 10 Argento 1 Argento = 10 Cupro
| - Argento is currently the only known silver spirit tree to ever live in RuneScape. Exactly what this signified is unknown, but it may have been a symbol of great power. Argento was said to be a kind, wise tree, who was always willing to speak with the gnomes that lived in the Gnome Stronghold. He was a particularly good friend of Hazelmere, a former advisor of King Healthorg. They spent many hours talking to each other during the king's reign. One day, Hazelmere felt a great sadness, as if the Anima Mundi itself was crying out in pain. Hazelmere then suspected that Argento had died, but upon going to see him, found Argento seemingly alive and well, but refusing to talk to Hazelmere. Hazelmere, wondering what had happened to his old friend, went to a fellow advisor, Oaknock, for advice. Oaknock theorized that an illusion had been cast on Argento, and immediately suspected the King's third advisor, Glouphrie, the only person known to be powerful enough to cast such a spell. Oaknock then constructed an anti-illusion machine, and brought King Healthorg and Glouphrie to Argento's body. Upon turning the machine on, Argento's death was revealed, with Oaknock saying that it must have been Glouphrie. King Healthorg became furious with Glouphrie, asking when it is ever right for someone to lie to their king. Glouphrie's reply that it's sometimes okay infuriates Healthorg even further and he dismisses Glouphrie on the spot, banishing him from the stronghold. Today, all that remains of Argento is a charred silver stump on the south side of the stronghold, near Brimstail's cave. After While Guthix Sleeps, a statue of Hazelmere is placed near Argento's remains.
- Argento is currently the only known silver spirit tree to ever live in RuneScape. Exactly what this signified is unknown, but it may have been a symbol of great power. Argento was said to be a kind, wise tree, who was always willing to speak with the gnomes that lived in the Gnome Stronghold. He was a particularly good friend of Hazelmere, a former advisor of King Healthorg. They spent many hours talking to each other during the king's reign. One day, Hazelmere felt a great sadness, as if the Anima Mundi itself was crying out in pain. Hazelmere then suspected that Argento had died, but upon going to see him, found Argento seemingly alive and well, but refusing to talk to Hazelmere. Hazelmere, wondering what had happened to his old friend, went to a fellow advisor, Oaknock, for advice. Oaknock theorised that an illusion had been cast on Argento, and immediately suspected the King's third advisor, Glouphrie, the only person known to be powerful enough to cast such a spell. Oaknock then constructed an anti-illusion machine, and brought King Healthorg and Glouphrie to Argento's body. Upon turning the machine on, Argento's death was revealed, with Oaknock saying that it must have been Glouphrie. King Healthorg became furious with Glouphrie, asking when it is ever right for someone to lie to their king. Glouphrie's reply that it's sometimes okay infuriates Healthorg even further and he dismisses Glouphrie on the spot, banishing him from the stronghold. Today, all that remains of Argento is a charred silver stump on the south side of the stronghold, near Brimstail's cave.
- Argento is a Tsviet who plays a minor role in the Online Mode of Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-.
- Argento was een zilveren spirit tree, die ooit in de Gnome Stronghold leefde. Zijn dood was het resultaat van een krachtige spreuk. Argento is op dit moment de enige zilveren spirit tree, waarvan het bestaan bekend is. Wat zijn dit precies betekende is onbekend, maar het kan een symbool zijn van zijn macht. Argento schijnt een aardige, verstandige boom te zijn geweest, die altijd bereid was een praatje te maken met de gnomes die in de Gnome Stronghold leefden. Hij was een bijzonder goede vriend van Hazelmere, een voormalig adviseur van King Healthorg. Zij praatten bijzonder veel tijdens het regeren van de koning. Op een dag, toen Hazelmere naar de boom kwam, merkte hij dat de boom niet zichzelf was. Hij weigerde te praten en was niet meer zo vriendelijk als hij altijd was. Hazelmere vroeg een andere adviseur van de koning, Oaknock, voor advies. Oaknock vermoedde dat er iets met hem gebeurt was, en er een illusionaire betovering was geplaatst op de boom, om het te verbergen. Oaknock bouwde een desillusie-machine en gebruikte deze op de boom, wat liet zien dat de boom vermoord was, zelfs in tweeën gespleten door een krachtige spreuk. De twee adviseurs verdachten meteen de derde adviseur van de koning, Glouphrie. Ze vertelden het koning Healthorg en kwamen tot de conclusie dat alleen Glouphrie in staat was zo'n krachtige spreuk te gebruiken. Zij namen Glouphrie mee naar het lichaam van Argento, waar hij toegaf dat hij de dood van Argento probeerde te verschuilen. Glouphrie werd verbannen van de Stronghold en wat er daarna met Glouphrie is gebeurt is een mysterie. Vandaag de dag is er niets over van Argento, behalve een verkoolde zilveren stomp aan de zuidkant van de Stronghold, bij Brimstail zijn grot. In Latijn betekent Argento 'Zilver'. en:Argento
- Der Argento ist eine Münze des Kaiserreiches Karcanon. Argento bedeutet in der Allgemeinen Sprache Silber. Die Gold- und Silbermünzen des Kaiserreiches sind Kurantmünzen. Ihr Nominalwert entspricht dem Wert des Metalls, aus dem die Münze geprägt wurde. Sie sind im ganzen Kaiserreich Karcanon einziges gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel, allein in Taron don Umn zirkuliert zusätzlich eine lokale Währung. Die Münzen des Kaiserreiches sind rund. Die Silbermünzen heißen Argento. Ihr Münzfuß bestimmt, dass aus zwei Pfund Silber 100 Münzen geprägt werden. Zehn dieser Silbermünzen haben den Wert von einem Oro. Der Argento wird ebenfalls in kaiserlich privilegierten Münzstätten geprägt, doch kann der Kaiser den Herrschern von Teilreichen und Provinzen des Kaiserreiches gestatten Silbermünzen mit ihrem Portrait oder einem Zeichen ihrer Wahl zu prägen. Jede Münze muss jedoch den Schriftzug Kaiserreich Karcanon und etwas kleiner dem Name des Reichsteiles, in dem die Prägestätte liegt tragen. Das Rückseitenbild zeigt einheitlich das Reichssymbol, Alton, das Schwert Mythors, umgeben vom Dragomae, dem Zauberbuch der Weißen Magie. Währung des Kaiserreiches Karcanon: 1 Talent = 100 Oro 1 Oro = 10 Argento 1 Argento = 10 Cupro 1 Cupro = 10 Ferro Kategorie:Myra Kategorie:Myra-DE Kategorie:Karcanon Kategorie:Kaiserreich Karcanon Kategorie:Währungen
- Argento was the first of the spirit trees, planted when the Anima Mundi was very strong, and had existed since the first colonisation of Gielinor. He was a good friend to Guthix, with a great understanding of the Anima Mundi, such that he was one of Guthix's greatest confidants. To relieve him of the suffering he witnessed during the God Wars, Guthix, upon awakening, opened a channel to Argento and filled his spirit with power. The spark took his memories from him, including the pain and trauma of the God Wars; it also drew his colour from him, leaving him silver, unique among his kind. Argento was said to be a kind, wise tree, who was always willing to speak with the gnomes that lived in the Gnome Stronghold. He was a particularly good friend of Hazelmere, a former advisor of King Healthorg. They spent many hours talking to each other during the king's reign. One day, Hazelmere felt a great sadness, as if the Anima Mundi itself was crying out in pain. Hazelmere then suspected that Argento had died, but upon going to see him, found Argento seemingly alive and well, but refusing to talk to Hazelmere. Hazelmere, wondering what had happened to his old friend, went to a fellow advisor, Oaknock, for advice. Oaknock theorised that an illusion had been cast on Argento, and immediately suspected the King's third advisor, Glouphrie, the only person known to be powerful enough to cast such a spell. Oaknock then constructed an anti-illusion machine, and brought King Healthorg and Glouphrie to Argento's body. Upon turning the machine on, Argento's death was revealed, with Oaknock saying that it must have been Glouphrie. King Healthorg became furious with Glouphrie, asking when it is ever right for someone to lie to their king. Glouphrie's reply that it's sometimes okay infuriates Healthorg even further and he dismisses Glouphrie on the spot, banishing him from the stronghold. Today, all that remains of Argento is a charred silver stump on the south side of the stronghold, near Brimstail's cave. After While Guthix Sleeps, a statue of Hazelmere is placed near Argento's remains.