Trappist is a 2018 science-fiction adventure film directed by Chris6d. The film takes place in 2098, where the recently-discovered (as of 2017) planets that orbit the TRAPPIST-1 sun have been terraformed and ready to sustain human life.
Trappist is a 2018 science-fiction adventure film directed by Chris6d. The film takes place in 2098, where the recently-discovered (as of 2017) planets that orbit the TRAPPIST-1 sun have been terraformed and ready to sustain human life.
Trappist is a 2018 science-fiction adventure film directed by Chris6d. The film takes place in 2098, where the recently-discovered (as of 2017) planets that orbit the TRAPPIST-1 sun have been terraformed and ready to sustain human life.