| - Clark rushes to find an antidote after Martha is infected with a toxic virus and falls into a coma, but when Clark also falls ill, it is up to Jonathan to find a cure in time. To further complicate things, Dr. Bryce demands an explanation from Jonathan when he refuses to let her treat Clark.
- Fever is a song By Judas Priest {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- Fever ist ein Lied von der Erde des 20. Jahrhunderts.
- Fever was recieved well, selling 71,000 copies in the U.S. and 21,965 in the U.K., and has sold over 500,000 copies worldwide since its release. It debuted at 3 on the Billboard 200, and 1st on the Billboard Rock and Alternative charts. This is the band's most successful album to date.
- Pod koniec odcinka Sense And Sense Ability, Rose McGowan wykonuje utwór Peggy Lee "Fever". Piosenka w wykonaniu Rose znalazła się na thumb|right|335 pxsoundtracku Charmed i jest pierwszą piosenką zaśpiewaną przez aktorkę.
- In the Square Days, it was the largest hospital on the island. After V-Day, many of the doctors gave up the traditional methods of healing, instead using their vibe to aid people. The hospital has been completely renovated to remove all that useless old equipment and bland furnishings. Larger areas were transformed into dance floors, and patient rooms were turned into groovy lounges. The only machines left alone were the Dr. Vendy machines hidden away in the basement, though they are still used quite frequently since there are so few real doctors remaining on the island.
- "Fever" is a song by Caribbean singer Jane Mik, released as the third single of her debut studio album Superhero. Upon its release, the song debuted at number 11 on the US Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number four a week later. The song's music video, directed by Terry Richardson, was released on January 2, 2014.
- ALF gets extremely ill and fears that he is going to die. The Tanners don't know what to do, but ALF tells them that the Carl Shrub in the Melmacian diet is what keeps them immune to infectious diseases. ALF looks in a book and finds that ragweed looks very similar to Carl Shrub. The Tanners get ALF ragweed and fortunately it seems to have similar healing properties to Carl Shrub.
- After draining the blood of an escaped lab rat, Screed falls mortally ill. As the sickness spreads to other vampires, Natalie realizes that, if she can find no cure, the entire race of vampires may be doomed.
- Fever is a song by Little WIllie John that Edna Krabappel sings while doing her bubble dance during the Springfield Elementary School teacher talent show in "Marge Simpson in: "Screaming Yellow Honkers"".
- Pressing the Fever button activates a "Fever" mode which eliminates the "Active Time" portion of the battle and allows the player's characters to attack freely. During this time, all characters won't have a cooldown period after attacking, so the player should swipe them as fast as possible. Also, enemies won't attack during the time Fever is activated. This can be speed up, the player can push the time on their device forward manually. It takes three hours to refresh fever, and three minutes per party member (two hours max).
- Fevers are, in effect, status ailments in Mother 3 that can only be cured by walking a certain distance. While not having an in-battle effect, it prevents the party from dashing until it wears off, in which it then grants the afflicted member a new PSI ability. Fevers normally occur shortly after gaining a level, but only if the character is destined to gain a new PSI ability at that level. As such, non-PSI using characters like Duster or Boney cannot be afflicted by fevers. It also revives Unconscious members, leaving them with 1 HP.
- "Fever" is een muziekstuk, dat in de 20e eeuw op Aarde geschreven werd. In het Bashir 62 holoprogramma werd het gezongen door het hologram Lola Chrystal. (DS9: "His Way") Nana Visitor kreeg alom lofuitingen voor haar uitvoering van het nummer.
- Fever (echter Name: Ichino Mizuru) ist ein Mitglied in Ganjus Gang. Sein Wildschwein ist Sunny.
- "Fever" is an album by Bullet For My Valentine in 2010
- File:Fever-zan.gif Write the text of your article here!
- Name: Fever Run Time: 4:43 Written By: Jon Hyde, Michael Monarch, Bobby Pickett Year: 1978
- Charming, manipulative and selfish to the core, this Insecticon uses her allies as pawns to further her own ends. Flaws in her design make her very energy-inefficient, forcing her to constantly seek out sources of energon. In mosquito mode, sensitive antennae track the scent of her prey, while keening wings vibrate at a specific frequency designed to sap their resolve. Diamond-tipped proboscis is able to puncture the toughest armor, drain a fuel tanker dry in a matter of minutes, or infect a target with a fast-acting cyber virus. Her robot mode's needle rifle fires hyper-velocity spines coated in the same cybernetic disease.
- The episode opens with a pre-credit sequence in which Manny Bianco (Bill Bailey) buys an icecream on a blisteringly hot day. When he returns to the shop, he finds Bernard Black (Dylan Moran) complaining about his lack of female company, and makes a promise to himself to find a girlfriend for the summer. Manny suddenly realises that the temperature is 81 degrees, and reveals that if it hits 88, it will trigger his condition known as Dave syndrome. A suspicious Bernard asks Manny about his condition, however, Manny refuses to reveal any more information.
- Otis Blackwell wrote "Fever" with Eddie Cooley under the pseudonym, John Davenport. Miss Piggy performed "Fever" at the Hollywood Bowl in summer 2006. Animal and Rosie Perez reenacted the bit from The Muppet Show at 2015's Kennedy Center Honors as a tribute to Moreno. Amy Schumer and Questlove reenacted the bit on a 2016 episode of Inside Amy Schumer as a tribute to The Muppet Show.
- Fever is a oneshot fanfiction written and published on FanFiction.Net by Soul Flash.
- Alf is pampered by the Tanners after catching his first Earth cold.
- "Fever" is the fifth episode of the science fiction television show Sliders. It originally aired on March 29 1995.
- "Fever" est une chanson terrienne du 20ème siècle, reprise par de nombreux chanteurs. (Réalité extrapolée *) Dans le programme holographique Bashir 62, l'hologramme Lola Chrystal interpréta cette chanson. (DS9: "His Way")
- Fever is an anti-semitic juggler, probably descended from Ancient Egypt or Vietnam. Fever is a psychological phenomenen, in contrast to its enemy, the dreaded success. Which of course has nothing to do with the merits of fever. Fever topped FBIs list of Most Wanted Fevers in 1978, but due to its praising in popular culture troughout the 80's, remained untouched by the proper authority until late 2005, when it was shot and killed by police deputy Lee Van Cleef in an Aboriginal Suburb, just west of Australia.
- Fever is an EP by Nothing The Black Celebration, released on the independent label Dynamic Noise. The album features dark ambient, ambient, chillwave and indietronica sounds, long before chillwave and indietronica were considered genres. The EP is seen as "proto-hipstertronica", because it is one of the first instances of the typical "indietronica" sounds found in the Pitchfork crop of bands that emerged during 2011, 2012 and 2013.
- Chapter 1 The alarm rang at seven o'clock, waking Phineas, like it did every morning. He stretched and reached behind him to grasp the pillow he had slept on. With little aim, the pillow went sailing and smacked his brother in the face. With a big grin, the sixteen year old sat upright and look over, but Ferb remained sleeping. Crawling out of the covers, Phineas went over to his bedside and shook his shoulder. "Hey Ferb, time to get up." Ferb didn't stir. Shaking a little harder, Phineas got louder, "hey Ferb, get up." Groggy blue eyes peered back at him from under heavy lids. "Okay Mom." "Candace?"
- Fever reposes in Imil Falls Cave, the tiny cavern at the town of Imil, reachable by sliding around through the frozen river and into the hole of the frozen waterfall. To reach there, first you have to stand in front of the snowman at the north end of the town and cast Move to shift it left and drop it onto the frozen ice river below. Then entering the river via the opening just to the right of the sanctum in the southwest part of town, slide right, up, left, up, left, up, right, up, left, up, right, and up to enter the opening. You automatically slide into Fever, and press A to immediately add it to your collection.
- Nace en los 30´s. Durante los 40´s sobrevivió en el Gueto de Varsovia junto a cientos de judíos, fue trasladado hacia Alemania junto a miles de judíos, donde por ejecuciones y desnutrición fueron muriendo, siendo aquí donde descubre su poder sobrenatural al autoreanimarse después de estar en estado inanimado por varios minutos. Durante el “Holocausto” se dedicó a recorrer sigilosamente los campos de concentración sanando a todo aquel que se encontrara padeciendo algún síntoma curable por sus dotes mutantes. A personas que se encontraban muriendo de frío les inducía calor, mientras que las que sufrían quemaduras les inducía frío para mitigar el dolor. Conoce a Max Eisenhardt, comparten experiencias mutantes, como así también ideologías judías, empatizando, y dejando plasmada una “amistad” i
- A fever describes a condition where a patient's body temperature rises above 101 F (39 C), well above the normal range of body temperatures (96-100 F, 36-38 C). At this temperature, the patient clearly feels discomfort.