| - Justin met the sisters and Leo while driving around his old neighborhood and stopped at the manor. Piper was happy to see him, to which Leo responds a little jealous until Prue assured him that Justin had a crush on her all through high school. However, when asked to help bring some food to P3, Justin acted like he didn't remember Prue, calling her Phoebe instead. Later at the club, Justin stopped Prue from coming to Piper's defense against Missy Campbell, another former classmate. Justin told her that Piper needed to learn to stand on her own and how Prue once finished a speech for her in high school. Prue then realized that Justin had pretended not to remember her before. Justin explained that she plagued him in high school, because she ignored him, and that he had learned not to date women like her anymore. Justin then told her that, much like Prue herself, he makes lists about everything and they started comparing lists. Prue became more interested in him when Justin revealed he believed in the supernatural. At the reunion, Justin helped Prue and Phoebe carry a possessed and unconscious Piper to the car, while under the impression that Piper was drunk. When the sisters return to the club after saving Piper, they find Justin still there waiting for them. He asked what happened and Prue assured him that she would tell him all about it once he called her. justinprue1.jpg|Meeting his old crush again justinprue2.jpg|Watching Piper at P3 justinprue3.jpg|Discussing poltergeists justin1.jpg|Smiling after Prue told him to ask her out