| - Lopmon is a Rookie Level Animal Digimon, and the "twin sibling" of Terriermon, despite having different colors and more horns.
- Lopmon is an Animal Digimon whose name and design are derived from the Lop rabbit breed. It is an extremely precious Rookie Digimon that is a twin to Terriermon. While Terriermon has only one horn growing from its head and has a calm but robust personality, Lopmon has three horns growing from its head and has the personality of a lonely crybaby. The way it grows is shrouded in mystery, and though it can be classified as a Beast-species Digimon from its body structure, aside from that it is still not understood. Neither of them seem like "Combat Species" Digimon, but when battling, they show that they are more powerful than they appear.
- Lopmon sind Tierdigimon, die Terriermon stark ähneln, allerdings sind sie braun und besitzen drei Hörner. Sie haben ein ruhiges und verspieltes Wesen und meiden den Kampf, obwohl sie durchaus in der Lage sind sich zur Wehr zu setzen.
- opmon is the "twin sibling" of Terriermon, despite having different colors and more horns. While Terriermon is an over-confident sort and tends to make sarcastic remarks, Lopmon is shy and polite. She/He also has an opposing lonesome personality to the excitable Terriermon. Lopmon spoke in an antiquated dialect in the Japanese version that lacked gender-differing pronouns. Furthermore, while Terriermon is a dog with rabbit's ears, Lopmon is an actual rabbit digimon.