| - Biyomons Digitationen: Nyokimon - Yokomon - Biyomon - Birdramon - Garudamon - Phönixmon
- The Biyomon of Digimon Adventure also appears in the sequel series Digimon Adventure 02 and all the Digimon Adventure/02 related movies.
- Biyomon sind kleine Vogeldigimon, die nicht sehr gut fliegen können, da sich an ihren Flügeln recht große Klauen befinden. Deswegen halten sie sich meist am Boden auf und fliegen nur, wenn Gefahr droht.
- In Digimon Adventure, Biyomon Digivolves to Birdramon, and Biyomon's gender is female, but in Digimon Data Squad, Biyomon Digivolves to Aquilamon when he was possesed by Merukimon, and Biyomon's gender is male.
- Biyomon is a Bird Digimon. Part of its wings have grown to look like arms, and it is able to dexterously operate them and use them to grip objects, but for that reason it is poor at flying through the air. It usually lives on the ground, but when danger draws near it escapes by flying away. However, since its flying ability is on the same level as Patamon, it sees Patamon as its rival. Its dream is to someday become Birdramon, who can fly freely about the sky, and it seems it doesn't want to become Kokatorimon, who cannot fly at all. As its personality is to be brimming over with curiosity, it loves to peck at the head portion of Tanemon.