Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch, originally titled Batman versus Predator II, is a four-issue limited crossover comic book series that was first published by Dark Horse Comics and DC Comics from December 1993-March 1994. It was written by Doug Moench, illustrated by Paul Gulacy, inked by Terry Austin, colored by Digital Chameleon, Carla Feeny and Lovern Kindzierski, lettered by Todd Klein and edited by Michael Eury, Scott Peterson, Mike Carlin, Diana Schutz, Marilee Hord, Jenette Kahn and Darren J. Vincenzo, with cover art by Jackson Guice, Gulacy and Austin.
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| - Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch
| - Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch, originally titled Batman versus Predator II, is a four-issue limited crossover comic book series that was first published by Dark Horse Comics and DC Comics from December 1993-March 1994. It was written by Doug Moench, illustrated by Paul Gulacy, inked by Terry Austin, colored by Digital Chameleon, Carla Feeny and Lovern Kindzierski, lettered by Todd Klein and edited by Michael Eury, Scott Peterson, Mike Carlin, Diana Schutz, Marilee Hord, Jenette Kahn and Darren J. Vincenzo, with cover art by Jackson Guice, Gulacy and Austin.
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| - Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch
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| - Dark Horse Comics/DC Comics
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| - Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch, originally titled Batman versus Predator II, is a four-issue limited crossover comic book series that was first published by Dark Horse Comics and DC Comics from December 1993-March 1994. It was written by Doug Moench, illustrated by Paul Gulacy, inked by Terry Austin, colored by Digital Chameleon, Carla Feeny and Lovern Kindzierski, lettered by Todd Klein and edited by Michael Eury, Scott Peterson, Mike Carlin, Diana Schutz, Marilee Hord, Jenette Kahn and Darren J. Vincenzo, with cover art by Jackson Guice, Gulacy and Austin. Bloodmatch was a sequel to 1991's wildly popular Batman versus Predator, and was followed by the further sequel Batman versus Predator III: Blood Ties. In the overall Dark Horse crossover comics line, Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch was preceded by Predator versus Magnus, Robot Fighter, and was followed by Superman vs. Aliens.