| - First created by the Master and later reproduced by the Enclave, super mutants are mutated humans, products of infection by the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV). They are much taller, bulkier and more muscular than pure strain humans, have (mostly) green, grey, or yellowish skin, are immune to disease and radiation, and are gifted with superhuman strength and endurance. Although they are completely sterile, the rapid regeneration of their cells caused by FEV makes them virtually biologically immortal (but not immune to death from injury).
- Super Mutants are a main race in the Fallout series. As their name suggests, they are monstrous, muscular humanoid mutants. They are created by the "Forced Evolutionary Virus" (F.E.V.), are yellow-ish in color, and are biologically immortal but sterile; they can only create more of themselves by dumping other humans into the F.E.V. The mutation process is extremely painful and destroys the victim's human self, removing most of their memories and intelligence and turning them into violent and primitive creatures. However, this applies to some Super mutants more than others, and a few of them do retain a relatively high level of human intelligence.
| - First created by the Master and later reproduced by the Enclave, super mutants are mutated humans, products of infection by the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV). They are much taller, bulkier and more muscular than pure strain humans, have (mostly) green, grey, or yellowish skin, are immune to disease and radiation, and are gifted with superhuman strength and endurance. Although they are completely sterile, the rapid regeneration of their cells caused by FEV makes them virtually biologically immortal (but not immune to death from injury).
- Super Mutants are a main race in the Fallout series. As their name suggests, they are monstrous, muscular humanoid mutants. They are created by the "Forced Evolutionary Virus" (F.E.V.), are yellow-ish in color, and are biologically immortal but sterile; they can only create more of themselves by dumping other humans into the F.E.V. The mutation process is extremely painful and destroys the victim's human self, removing most of their memories and intelligence and turning them into violent and primitive creatures. However, this applies to some Super mutants more than others, and a few of them do retain a relatively high level of human intelligence. The Super mutant race was originally created by The Master, who came into existence in the F.E.V. vats of the Mariposa Military Base and wanted to create a master race to replace humans and never ruin the world with war again. He failed and was destroyed, but the Super mutants would continue to populate the wastes for centuries to come. A special type of mutant in the Master's army were the Nightkin, who used Stealth Boys to render themselves invisible. However, because they used the Stealth Boys more than they were ever supposed to be used the side effects eventually turned them blue and gave them Schizophrenia. In Fallout 3, the Super mutants encountered are actually completely different than the ones in the first few Fallout games, being created by a variation of the F.E.V. virus in Vault 87. These Super mutants are even less intelligent and more detached from their original human selves, and roam the Capital Wasteland terrorizing the people and searching for more F.E.V., especially in the Washington, D.C. area. Super mutants are also frequently accompanied by hideous creatures called Centaurs, which are made up from different parts of creatures dumped into the F.E.V. and are treated as "pets" by the mutants.