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- Solar Flare is one of Amaterasu's special moves while she has the Solar Flare Amaterasu uses her Solar Flare to counter her opponents. If successful, she'll perform a piledrive.
- "Solar Flare is a powerful dragon with radiant golden scales. It shines as brightly as the sun over Auratia, and it has been known to release enormous amounts of energy when provoked. Currently, this type of rare dragon is being kept by the Laedis Academy."
- Solar Flare is a breed of Fireworm which made it's debut in Dragons: Rise of Berk as a summer special.
- Solar Flare is Flare Man's power. This weapon fires a trail of heat forward which can be directed up or down. It is Launch Man's weakness, seeing as it causes his missiles to overheat and ignite from within his body, as well as Enker's and Lucian's weaknesses.
- Solar Flare (太陽面爆発, Taiyou Furea)
- Solar flares were bursts of energy given off by active stars at periodic or random intervals. Solar flares contained gamma radiation which could be used as a power source and could devastate entire planets.
- A solar flare is a massive ejection of super-heated plasma and electromagnetic energy from a star.
- Solar Zenith offers the Solar Flare in a kit that is a part of a total solar cooking system. This kit contains all the necessary components to cook efficiently with the free energy of the sun. The cooker creates a funnel shape that sits in a plastic bucket base. Various sized plastic bowls support the cooking vessel at various heights. The cooking vessel is a mason type jar that is enclosed with the standard plastic cooking bag. Care should be taken to not create a complete seal with the jar lid. The cooker can cook and pasteurize water, but is somewhat limited by the size of the cooking jar.
- Solar Flare (「八咫鏡」?; Yata no Kagami) is the final and most powerful Reflector that Amaterasu obtained. It is the Reflector Shiranui, Amaterasu's past self, wielded. It appears once Amaterasu regains all of her 13 Celestial Brush techniques. When she does, the Celestial Brush gods appear before her and grant her the Reflector. The flames projected by this Reflector can be used for Inferno, effectively phasing out the need for torches or other sources of fire, such as Fireburst.
- The Taiyō-ken (Fist of the Sun), known as the Solar Flare in the English dub, is a fighting technique in Dragon Ball series.
- If a Stargate's matter stream passes by a star when a solar flare is occurring, the matter being transmitted through it can be propelled either forward or backward in time. (Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Continuum, Stargate: Universe) When Destiny tried to dial Earth from inside a star, the combination of the dialing and a solar flare created a temporal event that threw Destiny twelve hours back in time. A second solar flare threw everyone except Nicholas Rush (who remained on Destiny) and David Telford (who returned to Earth) back in time 2,000 years. (Stargate: Universe)
- Solar Flare is a Winx offensive spell used by Stella. She shoots a light ball at the enemy.
- File:300ZX49.jpg |-| Flamicorn = This item was only available on April 1, 2010. The day after it was changed back to the Solar Flare.
- A solar flare is a violent explosion in a star's (like the Sun's) atmosphere releasing as much energy as 6 × 1025 Joules. Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere (photosphere, corona, and chromosphere), heating plasma to tens of million Kelvin and accelerating electrons, protons and heavier ions to near the speed of light. They produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths, from radio waves to gamma rays. Most flares occur in active regions around sunspots, where intense magnetic fields penetrate the photosphere to link the corona to the solar interior. Flares are powered by the sudden (timescales of minutes to tens of minutes) release of magnetic energy stored in the corona.
- The United Federation of Planets had a categorization system for solar flares in the 24th century. One such categorization was "magnitude twelve, class B." (TNG: "Relics" ) After three Ferengi were transported back in time to 1947 Earth, one of the Ferengi, Rom, theorized that solar flares could be interfering with their universal translators. (DS9: "Little Green Men") In 2255 of the alternate reality, military shuttles were sensitive to solar flames and one cropping up might cause the occupants to be boiled in their seats, at least if a panicking Leonard McCoy was to be believed. (Star Trek)
- The HoloNet News network typically advised electromagnetic shielding on all electronic devices when the ultraviolet index peaked at around 44.9. Jaina Solo observed something that looked like a miniature solar flare when the FlakBlaster Ten's defense shields went down.
- A solar flare is a sudden flash of brightness observed near the Sun's surface. It involves a very broad spectrum of emissions, requiring an energy release of typically 1 × 1020 joules of energy, but they can emit up to 1 × 1025 joules (the latter is roughly the equivalent of 1 billion megatons of TNT, or over 400 times more energy than released from the impact of Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 with Jupiter). Flares are often, but not always, accompanied by a coronal mass ejection. The flare ejects clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona of the sun into space. These clouds typically reach Earth a day or two after the event. The term is also used to refer to similar phenomena in other stars, where the term stellar flare applies.
- A solar flare is a violent eruption in a star's atmosphere which accelerates plasma into space. In 2369 increased solar flare activity forced the shuttlecraft Goddard to drop out of warp, at which point a particularly large wave hit it, causing the shuttle to spiral out of control and crash on a near-by planet, Riat. Once on Riat the interference from the solar flares also caused problems with Geordi La Forge's VISOR, forcing him to make an adjustment to compensate for the electromagnetic feedback.
- Om en Stargate materia ström passerar genom en stjärna när en solar flare sker, kan ärendet överförs genom den drivas antingen framåt eller bakåt i tiden. (SG1: "1969", "2010", "Stargate: Continuum") (ATL: "The Last Man") (SGU: "Time") Täckmantel för destruktion av Apophis' flotta i omlopp av Jorden under 1998 var massiv solar flare aktivitet. Under 2004, Joe Spencer försökt använda dessa rapporter för att bevisa att hans frånskilda fru Charlene Spencer att hans visioner om SG-1 var verkliga. (SG1: "Citizen Joe")
- Solar flares were available as rewards from 29 September to 3 October 2016, and could also be obtained while training Divination. 54,000 solar flares were needed to make a full set of Sunfury Armour (Tier 1). It was possible to obtain 100 solar flares every 10 minutes while training Divination at Energy rifts, or with protean memories. Obtaining solar flares while training displayed: You find 100 Solar Flares. Solar flares could be added to the currency pouch. After doing so, obtaining additional flares displayed: You find 100 Solar Flares. They are added to your currency pouch.
- If a Stargate's matter stream passes by a star when a solar flare is occurring, the matter being transmitted through it can be propelled either forward or backward in time. (SG1: "1969", "2010", "Continuum") (SGA: "The Last Man") (SGU: "Time") The cover story for the destruction of Apophis' fleet in orbit of Earth in 1998 was massive solar flare activity. In 2004, Joe Spencer attempted to use these reports to prove to his estranged wife Charlene Spencer that his visions about SG-1 were real. (SG1: "Citizen Joe")