In the English dictionary, a bastard can be someone who was born from a couple who aren't married. Generally this situation occures when someone has been rape (in the street, bar, park, etc.), or when 2 people love each other too much to wait to marry.
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- Bastard
| - In the English dictionary, a bastard can be someone who was born from a couple who aren't married. Generally this situation occures when someone has been rape (in the street, bar, park, etc.), or when 2 people love each other too much to wait to marry.
- Chercher "bastard" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- A bastard, among the Kencyrath, is a child conceived and born without a contract.
- Reload Speed: Magazine Capacity: 31 – 76 Radius: Fuse time: Game[[]]Borderlands Special Part(s): barrel4_Torgue_Bastard The Bastard is a Legendary Machine Gun manufactured by Torgue. Examples are on the talk page.
- To make sure that you are not a bastard, check to see if you are born at least nine months after your parents got married.
- A bastard is a child born out of wedlock or a crossbred creature (whether person or livestock). It can also refer to wild shoots of a plant, a preparation of spiced wine, or a heretic.
- Ein Bastard ist eine Person, dessen Eltern bei dessen Geburt nicht verheiratet waren.
- Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Als Bastard (mhd. Basthart, Bastart, neulat. bastardus) wird im Mittelalter ein Mischling bezeichnet, d.h. ein aus nicht ebenbürtiger oder in wilder Ehe erzeugtes Kind. Eine andere Benennung war bankhart ("Bankert") und bankrise, d.h. das auf der Bank erzeugte Kind.
- Der Begriff Bastard bezeichnet jede Person, die außerehelich geboren worden ist. In den Sieben Königslanden ist ein beachtliches soziales Stigma damit verbunden, ein Bastard zu sein. Der Glaube der Sieben und selbst die Alten Götter des Waldes besitzen Gesetze, die das Zeugen unehelicher Kinder verbieten.
- Bastard -1) dziecko z nieprawego łoża 2) mieszaniec.
- Bastard follows Jin Seon who is the accomplice of his serial killer father.
- “Just add the- uhm… the copper power core? Just add the copper power core to the framework… m-make sure that the… uhm… the… stabilizers! The stabilizers are posi-tieaned corrector-realy, and…” The child quel’dorei male struggled endlessly with the goblin writing scrawled upon the side of a box containing the equipment necessary to build “your very own miniature turbo-charged flying machine.” His eyes were wide, his ears pointing high and twitching, his mouth left agape with excitement as he rummaged through the box. The child’s name was Eraisuithon Aurea’shanes, he, his father and their housekeeper named Jeeves – as dubbed by Eraisuithon’s father one drunken night – lived in one of the great spires of Silvermoon, high above the riffraff of the streets. The father and head of the exceptiona
- Bastards are those children born illegitimately, out of wedlock to unwed parents. It is possible for bastards to go on to win high offices and acclaim, and to found new houses, but they generally have a hard life and have to prove themselves moreso than legitimate children. Each of the constituent regions of Westeros has a different surname taken by bastards to identify their status. These are as follows:
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| - Jon: Und warum lautet mein Nachname Schnee?
- Jon: Wie ist mein Name?
- Sam: Jon Schnee?
- Sam: Weil du... du ein Bastard aus dem Norden bist.
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| - Ciężki miecz do jednej lub do obu rąk.
- Odblokowywany po ukończeniu misji „Zbroja i miecz”.,Nadzwyczaj duża odmiana miecza bastardowego.
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damage high
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| - Jon Schnee und Samwell Tarly
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| - Miecz_ze_sztyletem___.png
- Bastard___.png
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| - (Bastard w menu przeglądania)
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