| - This character is a moral and benevolent person, at least when it comes to matters of romance and sexuality. A person who has a strong (and reasonable) ethical code, a strong (and not misguided) sense of empathy, or both. Because of this, regardless of this or in spite of this (depending on the setting), the character believes that Sex Is Good and that it's wrong to impose heteronormative limits to what sexuality should be like. This is a character who is strongly opposed to abuse, exploitation, entitlement and Double Standards, while at the same time also opposing judgmental and moralistic attitudes about such matters as promiscuity, Polyamory, Open Relationships, Friends with Benefits, homosexuality, BDSM and Maligned Mixed Marriage. Since this standpoint is a personal one, the character does not have to be interested in politics or activism. More often than not, the character is simply leading by example by (directly or indirectly) embracing a wide range of sexuality and by caring about the emotions of everyone involved. Simply having a good time while being a good person. Note that embracing does not mean to make something mandatory. An Ethical Slut is allowed to be celibate or monogamous if he or she so prefer. However, cheating on a partner is totally unacceptable: Open relationships are okay, but deceit and dishonesty is not. The concept of Ethical Slut is a gender neutral one: The idea that only women can be sluts is a Double Standard, and the idea that being a slut would be a bad thing reeks of moralism as well as confused emotions. The trope is named after the book The Ethical Slut: A practical guide to Polyamory, open relationships & other adventures. As the other wiki summarizes it: Remember that the Ethical part of this trope refers specifically to sexual and romantic relationships. An otherwise Complete Monster could qualify for this trope if they are honest and forthright in their sexual encounters, whereas a normally good person could still fail to qualify if their actions in their romantic relationships are deceptive or selfish. See also Free-Love Future, Love Goddess, Good Bad Girl and Chivalrous Pervert. Compare Hooker with a Heart of Gold. Contrast The Casanova and Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality. Examples of Ethical Slut include: