| - Martin Van Buren was the eighth president of the United States.
- thumb|250px|Martin Van Buren.Martin Van Buren (New York, 5 december 1782 - New York, 24 juli 1862) was de 8ste President van de Verenigde Staten. Hij volgde president Andrew Jackson op in maart 1837, om vervolgens in maart 1841 te worden opgevolgd door William Henry Harrison. Hij was een Democratische president.
- Hayley and Stan visit several Presidential historical sites in flashback to celebrate Presidents Day in "Garfield and Friends". Although Hayley is always an unwilling participant at first, being kept on a leash thought her visits, she does warm up by the end of each trip, as she is shown proudly showing off a bobblehead of Van Buren from her visit to his historical site.
- Martin Van Buren was the 8th President of the United States of America. He was a snivelly, Perrier-drinking East Coast liberal with an anti-freedom agenda. Prior to Van Buren's useless presidency, he served as Vice President of the United States of America under the vile Andrew Jackson. Van Buren's mop was voted Worst Hair for 16 years running back in the nineteenth century, and of those, the last three years were after he died.
- Martin Van Buren is "the eighth President of the United States, and a key organizer of the Democratic Party and a dominant figure in the Second Party System", but is such a dick that nobody likes him. Everybody is just nice to his face, and then makes fun of him behind his back because he sucks so much. This one time, he brought me and a bunch of his friends out to this fancy Italian restaurant, and I thought we were going to split the bill. But it turns out he and all his friends "forgot" their wallets, so I had to pay for everyone. Even the tip!
- Martin Van Buren (December 5, 1792-July 24, 1862) was, like Andrew Jackson, one of the chief founders of the original Democratic Party. The Democratic Party of back then is similar to the Republican Party of today, in that it was socially conservative. He was fat, bald, and ignorant, and how he lived to be almost 70 in his era, I'll never know. I mean, McDonalds didn't even exist back then for Christ's sake! How did he get so fat? Must have been the British ....always obsessed with stoutness back then...
- A fictionalized version of Van Buren was portrayed by Steve Poitras in the film Mercedes Ray. In the movie, Van Buren's temper gets the better of him on several occasions when he engages in petty arguments with Andrew Jackson. Van Buren had several different nicknames during his lifetime, including Martin Van Ruin, Log Cabin Democrat and The Little Magician. He was also known as "The Red Fox of Kinderhook" because of his bright red hair and slyness. this is my great great great great great great great great great great great great
- Martin Van Buren (December 5, 1782July 24, 1862) was the eighth President of the United States (1837–1841). Before his presidency, he was the eighth (1833–1837) and the tenth Secretary of State (1829–1831), both under Andrew Jackson. His administration was largely characterized by the economic hardship of his time, the Panic of 1837. He was scapegoated for the depression and called "Martin Van Ruin" by his political opponents. Van Buren was voted out of office after four years, losing to Whig candidate William Henry Harrison.
- Martin van Buren could scarcely have been more different from his predecessor, the hard-assed Andrew Jackson. The first President born to American parents (as opposed to colonial British subjects), and one of only two men (with Jefferson) to serve as Secretary of State, Vice President and President, van Buren's public image was of an effete intellectual. His opponents criticized him for serving "unmanly" fare like strawberries and celery in the White House. Martin Van Buren would be the last sitting Vice President to be elected President for 152 years--the next would be George HW Bush.