The Wild Swans is a 1994 2D animated film from Walt Disney Studios which is written and directed by Kirk Wise and Ron Clements. It is based on the classic fairytale of the same name and features the voice talents of Zoe Kravtiz, Matthew Beard, Parker Posey, Erik Knudsen, Nick Lashaway, Jesse Plemons, Steven R. McQueen, Max Thieriot, Kevin Schmidt, Kevin G. Schmidt, Rhys Wakefield, Mark Rendall, Paul Iancono, Jake Lloyd, Anthony Hopkins, Nathaniel Arcand and Susan Lynch.
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| - The Wild Swans is a 1994 2D animated film from Walt Disney Studios which is written and directed by Kirk Wise and Ron Clements. It is based on the classic fairytale of the same name and features the voice talents of Zoe Kravtiz, Matthew Beard, Parker Posey, Erik Knudsen, Nick Lashaway, Jesse Plemons, Steven R. McQueen, Max Thieriot, Kevin Schmidt, Kevin G. Schmidt, Rhys Wakefield, Mark Rendall, Paul Iancono, Jake Lloyd, Anthony Hopkins, Nathaniel Arcand and Susan Lynch.
- The Wild Swans is an episode of the television series Hello Kitty's Animation Theater.
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| - Hello Kitty's Animation Theater
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| - The Wild Swans is a 1994 2D animated film from Walt Disney Studios which is written and directed by Kirk Wise and Ron Clements. It is based on the classic fairytale of the same name and features the voice talents of Zoe Kravtiz, Matthew Beard, Parker Posey, Erik Knudsen, Nick Lashaway, Jesse Plemons, Steven R. McQueen, Max Thieriot, Kevin Schmidt, Kevin G. Schmidt, Rhys Wakefield, Mark Rendall, Paul Iancono, Jake Lloyd, Anthony Hopkins, Nathaniel Arcand and Susan Lynch.
- The Wild Swans is an episode of the television series Hello Kitty's Animation Theater.