| - __NoTOC__ Virginae "purifies" target person, just like its namesake. When cast on a female (all instances of this spell in Chronicle are cast on females), it erases all traces of semen and even embryos younger than a few weeks, effectively making one virgin once again. By the time Altair weds Qura, she was no longer a virgin because she had a husband (Paul Elysant). Of course, it is the royalty's prerogative to break up families, and that is exactly what Altair, as prince, decides to do. When Qura protests, saying she's not "clean" any more, the royal Ceremoniat replies that, like all the other problems she brings up as excuses, this can be fixed, then proceeds to cast Reginylgynae on her (Reginylgynae contains Virginae; it is a spell package).