| - Writers are used to the power of stories to evoke feelings and create new worlds: in some stories this is explicitly possible, as a form of magic. Rewriting Reality is a form of magic where the invocation is writing -- or in more recent tales, typing. Usually it is one specific object that the writing works with, such as a Reality Writing Book, a typewriter, a sketchpad or a PC. It is sometimes based in mythology where a creator god "writes" the "Story" of history. The device might come from a mysterious deal, a magic spell, a technical device gone strangely wrong, editing the Tomes of Prophecy and Fate, or it could just be, y'know, there.
| - Writers are used to the power of stories to evoke feelings and create new worlds: in some stories this is explicitly possible, as a form of magic. Rewriting Reality is a form of magic where the invocation is writing -- or in more recent tales, typing. Usually it is one specific object that the writing works with, such as a Reality Writing Book, a typewriter, a sketchpad or a PC. It is sometimes based in mythology where a creator god "writes" the "Story" of history. The device might come from a mysterious deal, a magic spell, a technical device gone strangely wrong, editing the Tomes of Prophecy and Fate, or it could just be, y'know, there. In some cases, the user may not even know about the power: an author may use a cursed device to create some form of unstoppable monster, or cause all sorts of wacky hijinks for his friends. Or it may be used purposefully but unwisely, taking the statements with cruel literal-mindedness. Or perhaps the Big Bad has just found a new source of fun. The ensuing mayhem can often be stopped by destroying the object that caused it, or killing the writer, which may, or may not, lead to a Snap Back or the writer waking to find it All Just a Dream. Other methods may involve working within story rules, either playing to or breaking the conventions of the genre. Not to be confused with figuratively rewriting reality. Compare with Art Initiates Life, where the visual arts shape reality or Formulaic Magic, where it is pure mathematics that will change reality. See also: I Know Your True Name, Language of Magic, All Just a Dream. Examples of Rewriting Reality include: