| - Kihro'hai Jaeden'laek Gorak'nar'duram (Translation: Great Seer Jaeden'laek, Prophet of Gorak'nar), also known as His Holy Eminence Jaeden'laek XVI, High Inquisitor of the Gorak'nar Commonwealth (born November 7, 1530 Earth Standard, in Po'gaenei, Gorak'nar) is a fictional character created by Joshua Underwood in the Star Trek universe. Jaeden'laek was created in 2006, and is portrayed by the Broken Draenei of the Warcraft universe. Underwood created the image seen here, via the WoW Model Viewer.
| - Kihro'hai Jaeden'laek Gorak'nar'duram (Translation: Great Seer Jaeden'laek, Prophet of Gorak'nar), also known as His Holy Eminence Jaeden'laek XVI, High Inquisitor of the Gorak'nar Commonwealth (born November 7, 1530 Earth Standard, in Po'gaenei, Gorak'nar) is a fictional character created by Joshua Underwood in the Star Trek universe. Jaeden'laek was created in 2006, and is portrayed by the Broken Draenei of the Warcraft universe. Underwood created the image seen here, via the WoW Model Viewer. In Warcraft lore, the Broken were deformed by their exposure to the chaotic energies of the Twisting Nether, but they were known as wise leaders; Akama, leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn in the service of Illidan, Lord of Outland, and Nobundo, a Broken who allied himself with the "Pure" Draenei and taught them the ways of shamanism, are good examples.