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  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • WarLock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Warlock
  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Warlock is a Extraterrestrial Mutant / Technarchy who possesses the ability to shapeshift and elasticity.
  • Meanings: 1. A general term for a male witch. The Fenarian term is boszorkány. Literal translation is 'skilled one." 2. The Warlock (aka Laszlo). In the training of a warlock, in Fenario, the warlock must search for his name. Also, he must find a holy artifact, a place of power and a kindred soul.
  • The Wicked Warlock is a male witch, who derives his black-magic power from a ruby on the end of his cane.
  • Essentially, a Warlock is a Witch who is very aware of the dangers of using Dark Magic, but does not care—in fact he relies upon it. These vile magic users actively seek to study the ways of Chaos and to become proficient in the arts of summoning and controlling Daemons, often referring to themselves as “Daemonologists.”
  • The Warlock is a boss ghouly first met in the second visit to the Housekeeping Store in Chapter 3. The Warlock is encountered 4 times and only appears in the third chapter. He has 50 Energy and is the nineteenth or twentieth ghouly encountered.
  • Warlocks channel arcane might wrested from primeval entities. They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses. Armed with esoteric secrets and dangerous lore, warlocks are clever and resourceful foes. Primary Stat: Charisma. Hit Points gained per level: 5.
  • Warlocks are practitioners of the magic arts. Essentially the male equivalent of a witch.
  • Warlocks were once mages or, in case of the orcs, shamans, who, in pursuit of ever-greater sources of power, abandoned their studies of the Nature or Arcane and delved into darker Shadow-based magic. Warlocks still retain their skills in the manipulation of the chaotic element of Fire, although their focus is on delivering excruciating pain and drawing out the suffering of their victims. No longer do they aim to use the effective application of Arcane energies to efficiently dispose of their targets from a safe distance.
  • The Warlock is a fictional class that is like a combination of the Priest and the Magician. It uses Powersticks.
  • Warlockは、Pet(Demon属性)を使役できます。 * Petは既に固有の名前を持っており、改名や訓練等は行えません。召喚者のLvにあわせて自動的に成長します。 * 召喚者のLvが上昇すると、いくつかのSkillを覚えさせる事ができます。これにはPet自身のManaを使用します。 * ImpはSoul ShardなしでもSummon可能な唯一の戦闘用Petです。 * 全てのPet召喚には(例えSoul Shardなしの場合にも)別途Manaを使用します。
  • The Warlock is the evolution of the Dark Magician that emphases on debuffs and traps rather than area of effect spells. (Chaos Magician). The Warlock is possibly the most misunderstood job in the game. Warlocks can be very powerful however, their powerful debuffs and traps greatly amplifying their steady stream of damage. __TOC__
  • In 1995, Warlock was released by Virgin Books.
  • AKA: Afghani Skunk The Warlock is Indica dominant but it also has some characteristics that are considered Sativa by most people (elongation at flowering, active high, high calyx/leaf ratio). It is a branchy plant that will form only a few medium sized leaves and a massive amount of flowers so it is easy to manicure. The pistils are clear white when fresh, changing to tan/pink when mature. The smell is strong and sweet, some even a bit sour (like fresh fruit). The high is mainly cerebral.
  • Warlocks (pron. [war-lock] or [omg-ftw]) were invented in 1881 by God to make up a new private army to take over the world, because his incumbent army, the angels, had gone soft. The word Warlock is made up of the English words war meaning "to kill stuff" and lock meaning "no way out". Therefore, if you are approached by a Warlock, they WILL kill you and there will be no way out of it.
  • The warlock is the main character in the game Mirror Image. He is a male wizard, who is trying to liberate his homeland from . He also appears in Nitrome's 100th game, Nitrome Must Die.
  • Most warlocks are driven by the desire to kill and obtain the powers of witches. However, there are various sub-species with their own distinctions and desires. There are several ways for one to become a warlock, though one can also be born as such. Warlocks rank low in the Hierarchy of Evil and are virtual second class citizens in the Underworld.
  • The Warlock was a title given to Darth Vader by Imperial officers. Laurita Tohm knew of Vader by this moniker, and his reputation at the Imperial academy on Raithal, where it was rumored that Lord Vader killed hundreds of Imperials on a whim.
  • Warlock is the Chizen Star in Suikoden IV.
  • Warlocks are enemies found in Breath of Fire.
  • Warlocks are a Star Child class in Conception 2. They are the most skilled magic users available, surpassing Astromancers. As magic users, they fight with rods and staves. They are not initially available, but become unlocked after leveling up both a Magician and a Cleric to level 25.
  • Warlock the Wizard was a stage magician who, unbeknownst to many, had genuine magical powers. He used those abilities to fight crime. He was assisted by his pet raven, Hugin, who could speak. Warlock had a treasure trove of magic items he kept in his trunk. He fought enemies such as Baron Garth, Vampires, Kor Deno, the Firebug, Trenk, John Kell, Killer Staley , and Dr. Andro.
  • Warlock was a Terachnoid that was dating a Valkyrie known as the Snookiebear. After they were united in the Corvus Sector they left the sector happy. Aphelion wanted to finish them off, but Ratchet told her to let them be as they had no intention of harming anyone.
  • A warlock or sorcerer is a man with the power to enact change by magical means of "sorcery". Magical creatures with magic, like Kilgharrah, are not considered warlocks as they are not human.
  • Warlock is a member of the techno-organic race the Phalanx.
  • Czarnoksiężnicy (ang. Warlock) byli kiedyś czarodziejami, lub w przypadku orków szamanami - którzy w pościgu za osiągnięciem dużo większych źródeł mocy opuścili nauki związane z magią i naturą i oddali się mrocznej magii demonów. Czarnoksiężnicy wciąż posiadają umiejętności manipulowania chaotycznym żywiołem ognia, chociaż skupiają się oni na wywoływaniu nieopisanego bólu i wyolbrzymianiu cierpienia ich ofiar. Ich celem nie jest już efektywna aplikacja energii magicznej by efektywnie rozporządzać ich celami z bezpiecznej odległości.
  • Følgende raser kan bli Warlock: Allianse * Gnom * Mennesker Horde * Orker * Vandøde * Blod Alver (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade)
  • Warlock is a title in the Mages Guild for players who achieve the rank above Magician. [[Category:: Stub]]
  • r1 de tts
  • Warlock is an alien robot called Technarchy form a the planet Kvch.
  • Peter "Warlock" Nance was the long time leader of the Jokertown gang, the Werewolves.
  • During their time on Earth, the Megans were persecuted by the native Humans, who accused them of being warlocks, wizards, and evil sorcerers. This led to the genocide of many of their people after a series of witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")
  • Warlocks, unlike Wizards, focus more on causing abnormal status effects on their enemies rather than cause direct magic damage. Warlocks specialize in a brand new magic-casting technique: they can read spell books, summon spells to store, and later recall those casted magic spells to instantly cast the spells without any casting delay.
  • Warlocks are special kinds of magicians, who usually have companions like imps, spirits or familiars. Richard is a warlock.
  • Warlock war ein Terachnoide, der seine Dating Partner über das Holo Net suchte. Dort traf er Snookiebär83 und wollte sich mit ihr im Corvus Sektor treffen. Ratchet vereinte die beiden mit der Aphelion und sah zu, wie sie im unendlichen Kosmos verschwanden. Aphelion wieß darauf hin, dass ihre Waffensysteme noch immer Einsatzbereit waren. Ratchet hingegen wollte nicht noch mehr sinnlosen Tod erleben. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Männlicher Charakter Kategorie:Terachnoiden Kategorie:Ratchet & Clank A Crack in Time Charaktere
  • A true scholar of magic a warlock has the innate capabilities to cast spells with the greatest of power. Sure to bring with him several pouches full of deathly magics and always eager to test his latest incantations, a warlock is best avoided unless absolutely necessary. Warlocks reputation for a preference of destruction over creation is well founded as they begin with a 5% (up to 15% with class-enhancing skills) bonus to death magic direct damage. -- In game description
  • Warlock on Fire ja Shadow -tyyppien taikojen mestari. Se pystyy myös kutsumaan apuunsa demoneja, ja warlockilla on myös demoneihin liittyviä kykyjä. Warlock on pääasiassa vahingon tekijä, mutta se voi myös säilyttää kohteen sielun, jotta voi herättää tämän henkiin myöhemmin. Warlock voi myös parantaa itseään imemällä vastustajan elämää.
  • The Warlock (known as the Sorceror in the game's code) is a Creature type in Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2.
  • Warlock is a mutant of the man-made techno-organic race known as technarchs and a member of Excalibur. Unlike most technarchs, Warlock has the ability to sense electromagnetic signals, enabling him to meaningfully interact with the world around him. Through this ability he has been able to learn some likeness of human intelligence and usually assumes a humanoid form. Most of Warlock's abilities are theoretically shared with the entire technarch race, but without Warlock's ability to sense electromagnetic signals other technarchs generally appear as mindless meshes of organic circuitry.
  • Warlock è una mappa Multigiocatore di Halo 2. Si ottiene con il disco Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack del Pacco mappe Bonus . È il remake di Wizard di Halo: Combat Evolved.
  • The Warlock is the main antagonist in "Fortune Cookie", and has only appeared in this episode.
  • Warlock is Technarchy from the planet Kvch. The Technarchy is itself a dictatorship, led by the Magus. Do to an unknown mutation, he developed “emotions”, and feared his father, as it was the ritual in Kvch for the infant to fight his father to the death to show that he had the right to live. However, Warlock fled, with the Magus in pursuit. He traveled in hyperspace in order to reach Earth, but upon returning to singular space he crashed into Asteroid M, destroying it.
  • Warlock is the name of a terrestrial planet in Andre Norton's 1960 novel Storm Over Warlock. The second planet from the Sol-like yellow dwarf star Circe. The third planet is Wizard.
  • The term Warlock refers to the magic users that channel stone magic. Influential Warlocks include - * Tharun the Stormwarrior * Reanol the Crimson Knife
  • Warlock é um bixo muito forte ele dropa itens bons maneiro
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Warlock File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card Gold.png Warlock File:Warlock.jpg File:Item Border Gold.png File:Legendary Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 20 Legendary File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png +10% to Sabotage when attacking or defending Beware men with cold hearts and blue lips
  • Warlock is a mysterious and powerful being, a former Dark Hunter, and a figure from Mersery's personal future.
  • thumb|En Ork Warlock i Warcraft I Warlocks var engang arkanister - eller shamaner i Orkernes tilfælde - som i forfølgelsen af mere magtfulde energikilder, opgav deres Arkan- eller Elemental-studier og isteddet valgte denne mørkere, Fel-baserede skygge-magi. Warlocks bevarer stadig deres færdigheder i manipulation af det kaotiske element ild som Arkanister og Shamaner også kan kontrollere, men nu fokuserer de også meget på at levere ulidelig smerte og magiske lidelser til deres ofre. Ikke længere har de til formål at anvende Arkane energier til effektivt at afhænde deres mål fra en sikker afstand, i stedet bruger Warlocks forbandelser og onde magier til at nedkæmpe deres fjender på den mest sadistiske måde. Kategori:Warlocks Kategori:Klasser Kategori:World of Warcraft Klasser
  • Warlock é uma variação de personagem em Mortal Kombat X. Pertence ao personagem Quan Chi. Categoria:Variações
  • The Warlock considers the power of magic to be a living entity. He can create something from nothing by using the highest level of summon magic. Like other summon mystics, he engages in battle vicariously by raising the defensive power and magic defensive power of servitors through Servitor Physical Shield and Servitor Magic Shield, respectively. The Warlock can also raise attack speed through Servitor Haste.
  • Warlock is monster #51 from the Series 2 figures. With a points value of thirty, the figurine was available in all four neon colours. The Warlock is depicted as a man in evening dress, holding a cane in one hand and wielding a ball of magical energy with the other.Warlock was one of the few Series 2 monsters to appear in the tie-in media, and was a significant character.
  • Gli stregoni erano un tempo maghi o, nel caso degli orchi, sciamani. La loro continua ricerca di fonti di potere sempre maggiori li ha portati ad abbandonare i loro studi della Natura e dell'Arcano in favore di una forma di magia basata sui poteri oscuri. Gli stregoni mantengono l'innata abilità nel manovrare l'elemento del fuoco, ma il loro obiettivo principale è di infondere dolori indicibili ed estrema sofferenza nelle loro vittime. Non mirano più soltanto all' utilizzo dei poteri arcani per infliggere pesanti debilitazioni sul nemico, ma si crogiolano nel dolore inflitto alla vittima mentre il loro minion si avventa sul malcapitato.
  • The Warlock uses their battle hammer and chaos magic to form an impregnable bulwark. This is a deck intended for tanking, focusing on survivability and drawing attacks away from the group. The majority of the Warlock's survivability comes from blocking, with additional protection and evasion buffs. The elite abilities allow the Warlock to take even more punishment, providing multiple buffs and emergency health regeneration.
  • Warlocks are the Tier 4 mage class of choice for players wishing to deal large amounts of damage to multiple targets at once. Especially effective in groups with tanks, warlocks have multiple area-of-effect spells to mow down numerous foes at once. Warlocks also have access to crowd control spells such as stun and freeze.
  • The following traits are common to original warlocks, hexblades, and binders. A 1st-level warlock begins with hit points equal to 12 plus the warlock's Constitution score, and healing surges per day equal to 6 plus the warlock's Constitution modifier. A warlock gains 5 hit points per level. A 1st-level warlock begins with rod and wand implement proficiency. Pact blade daggers can also be used as implements for warlock powers.
  • Unlike wizards or sorcerers who tap into arcane magic through the use of ritual and perscribed action the Warlock's very blood courses with magical energies. Energies that the warlock learns to tap into and invoke to provide a range of effects from flight to powerful eldritch blasts.
  • Please see the WoWWiki article on this subject until somebody from our wiki can write something about it. (*hint, hint*)
  • Warlock, also known as War Games Map_Set/: 405-2 is a Halo 2 multiplayer map that is a remake of the Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer map Wizard.
  • Warlock is the name of one of Neil's hippy acquaintances who appears in the episodes Interesting and Cash. He is not really a friend to Neil as he has no respect for Neil and is continuously trying to get him wasted because he is constantly wasted himself. He has claimed that he is from the Planet Freakout over a police-radio.
  • Kategoria:Szkic right|250px Adam Warlock - Został stworzony przez The Enclave, miał być istotą idealną.
  • A significant event in the history of Witchcraft was known as "War of the Warlocks", but nothing is known about it.
  • The Warlock is one of three Eldar commanders playable in multiplayer games.
  • A warlock is a wizard who has, either purposefully or accidentally, broken at least one of the seven laws of magic.
  • (BASE CLASS) Often thirsty for power, Warlock's derive their power from dark hellish sources. Some aquire it from a demonic ancestry, others make bargains with fell creatures for power. Some are even forcibly recruited by those dark powers. Warlock powers are characterised by fire, dark and chaos. The demonic power they weild slowly twists their physical form to match their dark souls. - Hit Die: d8 - Proficiencies: Light, Medium, Simple and Martial proficiencies. - Skill Points: 2+ Int Modifier. - High Fortitude and Will. - Medium Base Attack Bonus. - Cannot be good.
  • Los Warlocks (o brujos en castellano) fueron originalmente arcanistas o estudiosos de la magia arcana (o chamanes en el caso de los orcos), que persiguiendo las mayores fuentes de poder jamás creadas, thumbabandonaron las enseñanzas de magia arcana y de naturaleza y se adentraron en los caminos de la cruel magia oscura.
  • As the forces of darkness grow stronger, their soldiers become more menacing and ruthless, and their attacks against the innocence of the Bermesiah Continent grow more brutal and frequent. Although the Mages of the Violet Mage Guild have done everything in their power to exterminate all the monsters, they are vastly outnumbered and suffer from a critical weakness: they must rest to recharge their mana after casting their spells.
  • Warlocks zijn voormalige arcanisten, of in het geval van de orcs, voormalige sjamanen die op zoek naar meer kracht hun studies in Arcane of Nature hebben verlaten om Shadow Magie te studeren. Warlocks krijgen hun vaardigheden door het element Fire te manipuleren. Hun hoofddoel is het doen van erge pijn en willen hun tegenstanders laten lijden inplaats van Arcane energie te gebruiken om veilig van een afstand je tegenstanders af te maken. Warlocks kunnen vanaf level 40 Magische paarden oproepen om ze als mount te gebruiken alleen paladins hebben deze vaardigheid naast hun.
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