Chris and Dhris Rescue Rangers it's animated series produced by Shires Television Animation, Melvin Productions Ltd., Matthew Mouse Productions. Created by David W. Armstrong, if featured the established Shires characters, Chris and Dhris in a new setting. The series premiere on CBS on January 13, 1990.
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| - Chris and Dhris Rescue Rangers (1990-1992 TV Series)
| - Chris and Dhris Rescue Rangers it's animated series produced by Shires Television Animation, Melvin Productions Ltd., Matthew Mouse Productions. Created by David W. Armstrong, if featured the established Shires characters, Chris and Dhris in a new setting. The series premiere on CBS on January 13, 1990.
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Row 9 info
| - Oliver Television Incorporated
Row 8 info
| - Matthew Mouse Productions
- Michael Shires Television Animation
- Melvin Productions, Ltd.
Row 4 info
| - Bob Richardson
- Graham Collingwood
- John Tartakovsky
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Row 6 info
| - Frank Welker
- Jim Cummings
- John Stephenson
- Charlie Adler
- Alan Oppenheimer
- Paul Winchell
- Ed Gilbert
- Maggie Roswell
- Dick Gautier
- Chris Latta
- Pat Pinney
Row 5 info
| - Michael Shires
- David W. Armstrong
- Marvin Kellaway
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Row 10 info
| - Adventure
- Comedy
- Mystery
- Action
- Science fiction
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Row 3 info
| - Bruce Thompson
- James Herbert
- Peter Michaelson
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Box Title
| - Chris and Dhris Rescue Rangers
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| - Chris and Dhris Rescue Rangers it's animated series produced by Shires Television Animation, Melvin Productions Ltd., Matthew Mouse Productions. Created by David W. Armstrong, if featured the established Shires characters, Chris and Dhris in a new setting. The series premiere on CBS on January 13, 1990.