| - Fanboy is the name of several superheroes and villains in superhero fiction.
- Fanboy is a 11 year old boy that is silly with his friend, Chum Chum.
- __INDEX__ Fanboy ist der Hauptcharakter der Serie Fanboy & Chum Chum. Er ist ein zehnjähriger Fan von Fantasy, Science-Fiction und Man Artika. Er will alles erfahren, was mit Dummheiten und Verrücktheit zu tun hat. Sein bester Freund, Chum Chum, ist immer an seiner Seite.
- Le Fanboy est l'une des plus dangereuse race de geek identifiable de nos jours. Ce qui va d'ailleurs de paradoxe avec le fait qu'il soit probablement aussi la plus proche de la normalité.
- Fanoby has a very active imagenation, a zeal for fun and adventure and he enjoys spending most of the time with his best friend. Fanboys decisions often get him and people around him into trouble.
- Performer(s) Appeared in Fanboy is one of the two main characters from the animated series Fanboy and Chum Chum.
- Fanboy is the main protagonist in the animated television series Fanboy & Chum Chum.
- Cquote1Mom, stop fucking with me about school! I need to finish Halo 3 on legendary first!Cquote2 — Some Halo fanboy Fanboys are people who have no life and know everything about halo
- Fanboys were super geeky male Star Wars fans. They often drooled over Princess Leia in her slave outfit, Padmé in her Attack of the Clones outfit, Senator Bana Breemu in her Playboy issue, and Aayla Secura wearing nothing. Fanboys also often wore Star Wars shirts with their favorite characters on it, and often debated on whether or not Palpatine truly let Shaft Windu defeat him in their duel.
- At that moment, Sir Humphrey realised 2 things. The first was that the problem with American society today is all the fat little pimpled kids who are obsessed with all things Japan, and how hideous Paris Hilton is. It was a stroke of genius. Up to that point people had just blamed President Bush for everything from the corns on their feet to the moon not really being made up of green cheese. Of course these people also considered a look of utter stupidity a thing of beauty. Unfortunately doctors did not have sufficient experience to help him and the stroke was fatal.
- "Fanboy" is the term used for obsessive fans of a particular activity that goes a bit too far onto the creepy side. Unlike fangirls (which usually refers to women obsessed with characters and their relationships with either other characters or themselves to the exclusion of the rest of the elements of the canon), the term "fanboy" is usually reserved for antisocial people with a self-inflated ego over their knowledge and/or mastery of the topic in question, often parading it around and belittling those around him.
- Fanboys are immature fans similar to fangirls... but beyond the gender difference, they sometimes have vastly different approaches to mutilating their fandom of choice. Many are prone to rage and cases of fandom elitism. Fanboys usually are more solitary creatures — idolizing, defending, and drooling over their fandom to the point of insulting or even fighting with other people. They are not as prone to stampeding, but should still be treated in the same way. Like the fangirl, the fanboy also shows zero maturity or emotional restraint, often by being patronizing to other fans and being amazingly perverted towards their lust object.