| - Ash was given Pikachu by Professor Oak as the original Kanto starter Pokemon had been taken. Originally, Pikachu would not listen to Ash and constantly shocked him. However, after accidentally angering a flock of Spearow, Pikachu had a change of heart when he saw Ash defend him. Since then, Pikachu has assisted and been very successful in many of Ash's wins and over time has adopted Ash's mannerisms. Pikachu does not want to be in his Poké Ball so he stays out all the time, often riding on Ash's shoulder or head.
- While Officer Jenny was persuing Dolan, a cage containing a Scatterbug fell out of his truck. Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie somehow rescued the Scatterbug and took it to the Pokémon Center for treatment. During that time, it evolved into a Spewpa and assisted them in saving the captured Spewpa from Dolan. It later assisted its friends in a battle against Dolan's Diggersby and evolved into a Vivillon in its Elegant Pattern form. After defeating Diggersby with a single Stun Spore attack, Officer Jenny arrested Dolan. With Dolan defeated and all the Spewpa free, they all evolve into Vivillon but with different patterns and they all flew away. Vivillon bid its friends good-bye and flew away with the others.
- Ash temporarily commanded a borrowed Rhyhorn, in order to participate at the Rhyhorn race held at Sumiru Village. In the beginning it was hard for Ash to handle it, but gradually it teamed up with Ash.
- Ash became stuck to Volcanion.
- Ash befriended a Hoopa in its confined form and helped it stop a villainous Hoopa in its unbound form from going on a rampage, killing innocent Pokémon and people and destroying Dahara City.
- After Team Rocket deceived Florges, Ash and his Goodra teamed up with her in order to save the Pokémon and the wetlands.
- Ash befriended a Skrelp after he fished it out of a lake.
- Hawlucha first appeared when he was protecting a group of small Pokémon from a rampaging Ursaring. He was known as the "Champion of the Forest" after beating a Machamp prior to being captured. He decided to travel with Ash after he helped him perfect the move, Flying Press and settle the rivalry between it and Machamp.
- Ash temporarily commanded a Latias, who was summoned by Hoopa, to battle against the villainous Hoopa in order to stop its rampage.
- Ash temporarily commanded a Latios, who was summoned by Hoopa, to battle against the villainous Hoopa in order to stop its rampage.
- Ash made friends with a Skiddo and rode on it for a while.
- Fletchling first appeared where it swooped down to take a berry that Bonnie gave to a Dedenne. Afterwards, Froakie challenged it to a battle but Fletchling's speed and strength proved to be too much for Froakie. Froakie was finally able to land a hit on the Tiny Robin Pokémon. Ash threw a Poké Ball at it but the capture was unsuccessful. Froakie continued the battle with Fletchling and landed a hit with Water Pulse. Ash threw another Poké Ball at Fletchling and managed to catch it this time. It later evolved into Fletchinder during a sky battle against Moria's Talonflame and then into a Talonflame while battling against the legendary Pokémon, Moltres.
- Noibat hatched from its egg after being found by Ash's Hawlucha. It then ate some fruits and drank some water, but later got captured by Team Rocket, who wanted to make him evolve into Noivern. Later they confronted on a cave, but Noibat was smart enough to use his ultrasonic waves to identify Team Rocket and chase them out of the cave. Later it decided to join Ash's team. Noibat later evolved into Noivern while saving Hawlucha from falling into the ravine and battling against the legendary Pokémon, Zapdos.
- Ash befriended Diancie and helped her find the ability to make the best diamonds for her kingdom.
- Ash temporarily road on a Mamoswine, along with Serena, to cross the snowy mountains and through the Frost Cavern.
- Goomy first appeared when it landed on Ash's head after getting flown away from its home by a Swanna. Goomy is a shy and timid Pokémon and whenever it sees Clemont's Dedenne, it always goes and hides. However despite being cowardly, it does possess some intense strength and uses Rain Dance to build up its powers. Goomy first decided to travel with Ash after he defended it from Team Rocket. Goomy later evolved into Sliggoo during a battle against Team Rocket and a wild Grumpig. Sliggoo later evolved into Goodra in order to save its trainer and his friends from a wild fire caused by Team Rocket. Sometime after saving the marshlands from Team Rocket, Ash released Goodra so it can remain with its companions. However, by the time of the Lumiose Conference, Goodra decided to return to Ash, to which it rejoined Ash's lineup for the Pokémon League. At the end of the Team Flare Arc, Ash returned Goodra to the wetlands and promised to see it again one day.
- Ash temporarily commanded a shiny Rayquaza, who was summoned by Hoopa, to battle against the villainous Hoopa in order to stop its rampage.
- Ash befriended Magearna after he helped Volcanion rescue it from Alva.
- Froakie first appeared in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! where he observed Pikachu shocking Bonnie, Clemont and Ash outside the Lumiose Gym. Froakie protected Pikachu from his own Electro Ball, which had been rebounded by Wobbuffet's Mirror Coat. At the end of the episode, Froakie appeared in front of Sycamore's lab with a Poké Ball and asked Ash to catch him, which Ash did so gladly. He later evolved into a Frogadier during a battle against Saizo and Barbaracle. He evolved into Greninja in a battle against Heidayu and Bisharp after enduring and blocking Bisharp's Shadow Claw. Greninja is also well-known for its capability of changing into a very unique form during battles called the Ash-Greninja form. Ash left Greninja in the Kalos Region along with Zygarde to protect it from future attacks.
- When the gang were accidently separated from each other after an attack from a trio of angry Pangoro, Ash temporarily used Serena's Pancham to find the rest of the group.
- Ash first protected Litleo from Pyroar's Flamethrower and later on help Litleo become independent and return to his pride.
- When the gang were accidently separated from each other after an attack from a trio of angry Pangoro, Ash temporarily used Clemont's Luxray to find the rest of the group.