According to the Materials' Collection, Sailor Lead Crow has a husky and menacing voice, and is described being a sadist, enjoying the image of weak people. She is also described that she laughs often, and has a love for shiny things.
Sailor Lead Crow (jap. セーラー・レッド・クロウ Sērā Reddo Kurō) – trzecia z pięciu Sailor Animamates.
Sailor Lead Crow ist Mitglied bei den Animamates. Sie ist die freundin von Sailor Alumina Siren und muss nach ihrem Ausscheiden mit der Intrigen Sailor Tin Nyanko zusammenarbeiten.
According to the Materials' Collection, Sailor Lead Crow has a husky and menacing voice, and is described being a sadist, enjoying the image of weak people. She is also described that she laughs often, and has a love for shiny things.
Sailor Lead Crow (jap. セーラー・レッド・クロウ Sērā Reddo Kurō) – trzecia z pięciu Sailor Animamates.
Sailor Lead Crow ist Mitglied bei den Animamates. Sie ist die freundin von Sailor Alumina Siren und muss nach ihrem Ausscheiden mit der Intrigen Sailor Tin Nyanko zusammenarbeiten.
According to the Materials' Collection, Sailor Lead Crow has a husky and menacing voice, and is described being a sadist, enjoying the image of weak people. She is also described that she laughs often, and has a love for shiny things.