| - Fistfight is Shockwave's aid on Earth. A diminutive drone, around the same size as a human, he is primitive by Cybertronian standards — he speaks mainly in electronic noises, and has limited mobility. His simplistic configuration hides a keen mind, and he even knows pi to several million digits. In robot mode, Fistfight is extremely strong, and can deal incredible damage with his claws if pushed into battle. Emotional like his boss, he can be goaded into a fight relatively easily, which sometimes endangers Shockwave's missions of peace. In data-storage mode, Fistfight maintains a database of over a million languages and local customs, and serves as Shockwave's guide when travelling to a new, little-known destination. In gun mode, Fistfight can suppliment Shockewave's firepower with his own heavy-artillery "lightning rifle". Since coming to Earth, Fistfight has developed a strange fascination for late-model cars, and is amassing quite a collection.