| - link=Category:Expanded Universe A weequay egy humanoid faj volt, amely a peremvidékbeli bolygóról a Sriluurról származott, ami a Hutt Űrhöz volt közel. A hazájuk egy kegyetlen sivatagos bolygó volt, ami bőrüket durvává, napbarnítottá és ráncossá tette. Szemük barna volt és alig emelkedett ki koponyájukból.
- Weequays were a race of humanoids who came from the Outer Rim planet of Sriluur, near Hutt Space. Their home was a harsh desert planet, leading to the species' tanned skin tone and rough, sandy, wrinkled skin. Their eyes were dark and slightly recessed into their skull. See Weequay for more.
- The Weequay species can be chosen as a vendor species by a trader with the Hiring II skill.
- Weequays were a sentient species native to the desert world of Sriluur. Their tough, leathery skin helped them endure the harsh conditions of their homeworld, while also providing natural resistance to blaster fire, making them ideal bodyguards and bounty hunters. The pirate Hondo Ohnaka was a Weequay, and crime lord Jabba the Hutt had several Weequay guards.
- Weequay were a type of humanoid species.
- Weequays were a humanoid species native to the planet Sriluur in the Outer Rim near Hutt Space. The Weequay homeworld was an arid desert and as such this species were adapted to that environment, developing thick, rough, tanned skin. Visually members of this species had sunken eyes and no lips. Many Weequay chose to braid their hair in long strands. Weequays were seen on many planets. During the Clone Wars, a pirate gang of Weequays led by Hondo Ohnaka were based on the planet Florrum.
- The Weequay are a sentient species native to Sriluur in the Outer Rim. During the Jedi Civil War they were a very common sight on the Human centric and xenophobia planet Taris where they were limited to the Lower City and they were often found as members of the Black Vulkars gang. Tanno Vik, a companion of the Trooper is a Weequay. Source SWTORStrategies
- [Source] Les Weequays sont une espèces originaire de Sriluur dans la Bordure Extérieure et ayant beaucoup voyagé. Effectivement on retrouve des Weequays partout dans la galaxie, de Coruscant à Tatooine en passant par Saleucami. Le mot Weequay provient de leur langue, il veut dire "les suiveurs de Quay", Quay étant le dieu de la lune de leur planète natale. Ils ne croient pas en cette religion, du moins, plus maintenant, mais le nom qui leur a été donné est resté. D'autres travaillent pour les Hutts, notamment pour Jabba Desilijic Tiure dans son palais sur Tatooine.
- Their verbal communication was unsophisticated, but they had a wonderfully expressive language conveyed by giving off pheromones and smelling each other. This led to amusing situations, such as being unable to communicate in hippies' homes where patchouli incense filled the air, let alone near sewers, fishing docks, garbage dumps, silage, or any other smelly environments. Oddly enough, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, one of the galaxy's smelliest denizens, had his palace patrolled by several Weequay guards, who usually lost their pheromone sense within a few weeks of working there. It would be the equivalent of having a telephone conversation in a wind tunnel.
- Average Height: 1.7 meters Average Lifespan: 50 years Weequay are leathery-faced, swarthy-skinned humanoids distinguished by their wiry physiques and topknots of long, stringy hair. They are physically tough, with well-honed reflexes. The homeworld of the Weequay is now lost, but was believed to be a desert world with beautiful indigo dunes. For the past four thousand years, the Weequay have dwelt along the Outer Rim, mostly in an enclave on Nar Shaddaa.
- Weequay have gnarled, coarse skin that allowed them to blend in with the deserts of their homeworld. Because it was thick and tough, the skin of the Weequay also provided an measuer of protection against the elements. Weequays communicated with each other through pheromonal discharges, but these exchanges only seemed to work within individual Weequay clans. To other races, they were simply smelly beings. The older they age their horns under their chin grows One of the best-known Weequay was Hondo Ohnaka.