| - Since it proved very difficult (actually, impossble) for Jews to quit eating Jew Bread, Zionists decided to achieve their goal by gathering all Jews somewhere near Jordan and Egypt, thus removing them from the rest of the world. The confusion of the existing Jewish society in Europe after the introduction of the Holocaust accelerated migration to the Middle East, in turn accelerating the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Since 1948, very few Jews have been spotted outside Israel. In fact, if you spot a self-hating Jew outside of Israel and can capture it in a Pokeball, Bibi Babs Bunny Bilderbergstein will give you the Likud medal. Zionists believe that the relative success of their program is owed to the fact that an Israeli Jew has a special ability to brainwash people about the ne
| - Since it proved very difficult (actually, impossble) for Jews to quit eating Jew Bread, Zionists decided to achieve their goal by gathering all Jews somewhere near Jordan and Egypt, thus removing them from the rest of the world. The confusion of the existing Jewish society in Europe after the introduction of the Holocaust accelerated migration to the Middle East, in turn accelerating the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Since 1948, very few Jews have been spotted outside Israel. In fact, if you spot a self-hating Jew outside of Israel and can capture it in a Pokeball, Bibi Babs Bunny Bilderbergstein will give you the Likud medal. Zionists believe that the relative success of their program is owed to the fact that an Israeli Jew has a special ability to brainwash people about the necessity of immigration to Israel, called "aliyah", into Jews abroad, as well as a special ability to change his or her shape as reported by the world's preeminent journalist Borat Sagdiyev. They also credit the Devil with securing them a great deal of continuing financial and military aid, and hope he overthrows God as soon as possible, and that he continues to win at the Grammys.