| - To the north of the Isle of the Crown is the Isle of the Sacred Mountain. A place of tall winged folk, like human people with wings, they are ruled by Lord Azure and his wife Ariel. All of the folk live in homes topping the sharpest of high peaks, and can be entered only from the skies. An oracle of immense foresight resides on the most remote height, the protectress of a spring of secret water. The island is named after its massive central mountain which can be climbed from but one spot. Those without wings must scale the Logic Cliffs, a series of vertical puzzlement which only the strong and the clever can conquer. Night Mare, the black winged horse which flies between the lands of life and the Realm of the Dead, sometimes grazes on the hemlock and other nightshade plants growing there. A pair of great doors may be found there, set into the breathing rock of the sacred mountain. They give entry into the Catacombs of the Ancients, old beyond reckoning, and dangerous to any who enters. A new Minotaur keeps its lair inside the Catacombs, but is just one of its dangers. A maze of flying spikes, a crushing room, and plentiful pits with no bottoms all wait for the lost or unwary.