| - Sony is one of the world's largest electronics companies. It's headquarters are in Tokyo, Japan. Sony is known for having quality products, but also for using proprietary formats that are less supported than the formats that are shared by other companies. Sony has a line of camcorders ranging from inexpensive consumer Hi8 and Digital8 models to professional equipment. Sony also manufactures MicroMV and DVD camcorders. Sony uses the famous Handycam brand name on its camcorders. Sony is currently the only company that manufactures Digital8 and MicroMV camcorders.
- Sony is a Japanese-based electronics and media conglomerate. In the mid-2000s, Sony secured the North American home video rights to the Generation One cartoon, and in late 2006 released the 20th Anniversary Special Edition DVD of The Transformers: The Movie.
- Sony est l'entreprise la plus célèbre parmi les moutons. Les laineux européens sont les plus fanatiques et les plus respectés dans la bergerie Sony, qui d'ailleurs n'hésite pas à leur créer des versions spéciales de la PS3 ne lisant pas les jeux PS2. On estime l'âge du pro-sony entre 12 et 16 ans, enfilant chaque matin sa casquette Lacoste et aimant s'imaginer gangsta, riche et entouré de belles femmes nues.
- Zu einem werden Sie etwas über die beiden Vorgänger Playstation und Playstation 2 erfahren, sowie über die aktuelle Playstation 3.
- Sony is a large multinational conglomerate that is comprised of four business units: electronics, motion pictures, music and financial services. They are the company that produce the PlayStation 2.
- It also has its tentacles into animation, and tentacle-animation. Sony is best known for a line of livestock-management devices, the PlayStation 1, 2, and 3, and for personal entertainment devices based on the same technology: the Philips CD-i I, II, and IV. Sony has branched out to fill many other technology niches, including automatic pet feeders and nose hair trimmers.
- Sony Corporation, commonly referred to as Sony, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Minato, Tokyo, Japan and the world's fifth largest media conglomerate with revenue exceeding ¥7.730.0 trillion, or US$77.20 billion (FY2010). Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, products for the consumer and professional markets, as well as the primary developer, producer, and manager of Playstation Home.
- Sony Corporation is a video game company, and currently one of Nintendo's biggest competitors. They have created the PlayStation systems.
- Sun of New York, сокращённо SoNY — нью-йоркское отделение корпорации Sun Microsystems, занимающееся производством бытовой электроники.
- Sony is the company behind all things PlayStation, including the PlayStation Network. The PlayStation Network is the creator of Bloons Tower Defense for the PlayStation Network. Sony has only created Bloons Tower Defense for the PlayStation that is related to Bloons Tower Defense.
- Sony, une entreprise japonaise du secteur du multimédia, est l'un des principaux fabricants de consoles de jeu.
- For a Japanese company, Sony is more American than corporations started in America by liberals. Sony makes the very best in consumer and professional video equipment. Their product line ranges from cameras and monitors to cartoon vibrators and robots, a Sony manufactured product can be found in almost every home and business on America's Planet. Starting immediately after America introduced the gift of Imperialism in Japan, Sony employed children whose tiny hands are perfect for putting together electronic gadgets using the state-of-the-art lead-based solder.
- Filie:
* Sony Automation,
* Sony Biotech,
* Sony Cybersystems,
* Sony Dataworks, i
* Sony Entertainment.
- Opposed to Mario, the failed mascot of Nintendo, Sony has created a mascot of their own called Crater and his two friends, Dak and Jester, a horrible mutated elf-thing and an ugly Sasquach (guess which one). Recently, Sony was sold to Master Yoda by $1 for no reason. They eventually bought it back after Yoda became one with the force. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN!
- Sony is a long-lived AA corporation whose name is synonymous with consumer electronics and entertainment. The Sony name is immediately recognizable by most denizens of the Sixth World, just like in the Fifth World. While sometimes its failed gambles for keeping on the edge of the tech curve has invited takeover attempts, Sony has managed to maintain its own independence without being taken over by larger megacorporations, and it is the 7th largest corporation in Japan. The Sony Headquarters is in Tokyo (and is a major tourist attraction), and the CEO is Tokie Hara. Subsidiaries include Sony Automation, Sony Biotech, Sony Cybersystems, Sony Dataworks, and Sony Entertainment.
- Sony is a young villager from the Village of Shin. He hates the Star Clan with a great passion, to the point where he is even willing to violently attack Tsubaki Nakatsukasa just for being Black☆Star's Weapon.
- In April of 2014, Sony ceased its partnership with Pottermore, leaving the latter to operate as an independent entity.
- Sony ist eine japanische Firma, die weltweit Computer, Computerhardware, Mobiltelefone, Filme, Musik, Fernseher, Camcorder und Beamer herstellt.
- Sony Corporation (ソニー株式会社 Sonī Kabushiki Gaisha?, (commonly referred to as Sony and stylized as SONY since 1956) ) is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Kōnan, Minato, Tokyo. Its diversified business includes consumer and professional electronics, gaming, entertainment and financial services. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of electronic products for the consumer and professional markets. Sony is ranked 116th on the 2015 list of Fortune Global 500. it's an electronics mogul, and the sole owner of Columbia Pictures, TriStar Pictures and Destination Films among others.
- thumb|left|200px|Logo de Sony Sony Corporation, o simplemente Sony es una multinacional de origen japonés y uno de los manufactoradores líderes en la electrónica de consumo, el audio y el vídeo profesional, los videojuegos y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación thumb|right|110px|Ken Kutaragi fundador de la empresa
- La Sony Computer Entertaiment è una azienda produttrice di oggetti tecnologici sue sono le console Playstation
- Sony Corporation (ソニー株式会社 Sonī Kabushiki Gaisha), commonly referred to as Sony, is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Kōnan Minato, Tokyo, Japan. Its diversified business is primarily focused on the electronics, game, entertainment and financial services sectors. The company is one of the leading manufacturers of electronic products for the consumer and professional markets. During the 80s, the commercial features Bugs Bunny (on the Superbeta side), Elmer Fudd (on the old VCR side), and Porky Pig (at the end of the commercial).
- These are the systems from Sony to hold Atlus titles on them.
* Playstation 1
* Playstation 2
* Playstation 3
* Playstation Portable (PSP)
- thumb|Logo firmy Sony – przedsiębiorstwo japońskie założone 7 maja 1946 roku przez Masaru Ibukę i Akio Moritę w Tokio jako Telecommunications Engineering; obecnie jeden z największych światowych producentów elektroniki użytkowej. W sezonach 1995/96 - 1997/98 i 1999/00 firma była głównym sponsorem Juventusu Turyn. p • d • Główni sponsorzy Juventusu Turyn Kategoria:Główni sponsorzy
- Headquarters: Los Angeles, CA Founded: 1990s Founded by: Guys In Suits
* Rock
* Pop
* Hip-Hop
* Country
* Classical
* Jazz
- Sony Corporation(ソニー株式会社 Sonī Kabushiki Kaisha) is a multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, and one of the world's largest media conglomerates. Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, video, communications, video game consoles, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its name is derived from sonus, the Latin word for sound.
- right|200px Sony – marka urządzeń elektronicznych, występująca zarówno w rzeczywistości, jak i w świecie przedstawionym w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Urządzenie tej marki, a mianowicie magnetowid, można znaleźć w mieszkaniu B Dupa.
- Sony USA (Sony Corporation of America) is a manufacturer, based in New York, NY, is the U.S. subsidiary of Sony Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Sony is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its motion picture, television, computer entertainment, music and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment and technology companies in the world. Sony's principal U.S. businesses include Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., and Sony Music Entertainment. Sony recorded consolidated annual sales of approximately $78 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010, and it employs 167,900 people worldwide.
- Sony are weirdos that own Insomniac Games they also own Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper. They win lots of wars because they have tons of samurai they won wars with, over companies and force them to work for them. Insomniac and Naughty Dog are slaves for Sony who taught Insomniac to be warlike. They are all addicted to heroin. They are currently at war with Microsoft and Nintendo, but don't bother writing articles about those companies cause they are the crappiest in the world don't even have a link for them they suck that much it would ruin this wiki.
- SONY,中文称之为索尼,全称为索尼公司(Sony Corporation)。是日本知名的阿宅电器公司,旗下的系列产品没有一项不是与阿宅无关的。据传SONY的创业祖师疑似与大清帝国的开国顾命四大臣有关,但这一点没有人能证实。
- Sony, oltre ad essere un termine che scatena gli istinti più bassi di spacciantisi videogiocatori professionisti, è il più grande produttore e fornitore di fuffa apparecchiatura tecnologica d'avanguardia.
- Das einzige deutschsprachige Wiki über Sony Entertainment. Ist ein deutschsprachiges Wiki über Sony, seine Spiele, Charaktere, Welten usw. Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach fleißigen Helfern.
- Sony Corporation o simplemente Sony es una empresa multinacional de origen japonés, dedicada a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación que manufactura electrónica de consumo, vídeo, audio, música y videojuegos. Su sede central está en Minato, Tokio, Japón y su subsidiaria americana Sony Corporation of America está en Nueva York. Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) es la empresa que ha diseñado varios tipos de MMORPGs. Ayudó a LucasArt con Star Wars Galaxies y actualmente con Star Wars The Clone Wars Adventures.
- Sony Corporation is a multinational corporation that manufactures various home video, music, video gaming and audio equipment. Corporate headquarters are located in Tokyo, Japan, and the US subsidiary, Sony Corporation of America, is based in New York City. Sony has also produced the following video game consoles with Star Wars games:
* PlayStation
* PlayStation 2
* PlayStation 3
* PlayStation Portable
* PlayStation 4
- Sony was founded in 1954 by Spyro. Spyro put himself in many shames, because who doesn't like playing as purple dragons? Spyro was very popular at first, but as time went by, people stopped liking the shames. The Vice President of Sony, Crash Bandicoot, was tired of this. In 1968, he started the Sony Civil War. They fought for several years, until Crash finally murdered Spyro, and took over Sony. Sackboy then joined 5 seconds later. In honor of Spyro's memory, Sony continued to make Spyro shames occasionally.
- Sony Corporation (ソニー株式会社 Sonī Kabushiki-gaisha?) is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation and one of the world's largest media conglomerates with revenue of ¥7.730 trillion ($78.877 billion U.S.) during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2009. Sony is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, video, communications, video game consoles, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets, which developed the company into one of the world's richest companies.
- Sony war ein asiatischer Elefantenbulle im Safari Park auf den kroatischen Brijuni-Inseln, einem Nationalparkgebiet. Er wurde etwa 1968 in Indien geboren und kam als Gastgeschenk der indischen Premierministerin Indira Gandhi an den Staatspräsidenten Tito 1970 zusammen mit der Elefantenkuh Lanka ins damalige Jugoslawien, wo er mit ihr in Titos Privatzoo auf der Insel Veli Brijun gelangte und dort bis zu seinem Tod lebte. Nachwuchs hatte das offenbar bekannte Elefantenpaar keinen. Über vier Millionen Besucher sollen die Elefanten besucht haben. 2001 startete der kroatische Staatspräsident Mesić eine Initiative zur Unterstützung der beiden Elefanten und zur Verbesserung ihrer Lebensverhältnisse, wofür er etliche Sponsoren gewann (s. Link "Sponsoren"). Sony starb im Alter von 42 Jahren am 02.0
- Product placement for Sony has been featured in many of Toho's films since the Showa era. In 1992, Toho sold the film rights to the Godzilla series to Sony's American motion picture branch, Sony Pictures Entertainment, in order to allow them to produce an American Godzilla film. Sony designated the project to their newly-acquired subsidiary, , which began production on a film in 1994. When the film was finally pitched to Sony's executives, they would not approve of the film's budget, causing director Jan De Bont to back out of the project and sending the film into development hell. Sony approached director Roland Emmerich in order to revive the project, who accepted on the condition that he could handle the film however he wanted and discard the original script. Sony agreed, and Emmerich b
- Sony is a Japanese leading manufacturer of audio like the Sony Walkman, video, communications, and information technology products for the consumer and professional market. Its music, motion picture, television, computer entertainment, and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world. Sony's principal U.S. businesses include Sony Electronics Inc., Sony Pictures Entertainment, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc., and a 50% interest in Sony BMG Music Entertainment, the second-largest record company in the world. Sony recorded consolidated annual sales of approximately $67 billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005, and it employs 151,400 people worldwide. Sony's consolidated sales in the U.S. for the fiscal year ended March 31, 200