| - Below are the stats used in the D6 system for NPC'd Imperial Pilots. They represent the "average" Imperial pilot. (Note: these are not TIE Fighter Pilots.) Dexterity: 2D+1 Blaster 3D+1, dodge 3D+1 Knowledge: 1D+1 Planetary systems 2D+1, survival 2D+1, value 2D+1 Mechanical: 3D Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields 4D, communications 3D+1, sensors 3D+1, space transports 4D Perception: 2D hide 3D, investigation 3D, sneak 3D Strength: 2D Climbing/jumping 3D, stamina 3D+1
| - Below are the stats used in the D6 system for NPC'd Imperial Pilots. They represent the "average" Imperial pilot. (Note: these are not TIE Fighter Pilots.) Dexterity: 2D+1 Blaster 3D+1, dodge 3D+1 Knowledge: 1D+1 Planetary systems 2D+1, survival 2D+1, value 2D+1 Mechanical: 3D Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields 4D, communications 3D+1, sensors 3D+1, space transports 4D Perception: 2D hide 3D, investigation 3D, sneak 3D Strength: 2D Climbing/jumping 3D, stamina 3D+1 Technical: 1D+1 Capital ship repair 3D+1, capital ship weapon repair 2D+1, computer programming/repair 2D+1 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, navigational computer linkup helmet (internal comlink, +1D to sensors), survival gear