| - moon of Saturn
- Tethys is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, and the older sister of Ewan. She is the game's only dancer.
- Tethys (テテュス Tetyusu, Greek: Τηθύς, Tethys) is one of the six Titanesses Pontos released, along with her husband Okeanos and her brother Kreios.
- Gaia (Mother) & Ouranos
- Tethys is another one of Saturn's moons.
- Tethys is a planet in the Saturnian system. Its polar regions are inhabitable.
- Tethys, or S/2173(Santo)01, was the first moon of the planet Santo of the White Sun system.
- Tethys is an inhabited moon, the homeworld of Ground Squadron and Sting Squad.
- Categoría:Plantilla de personaje viejaTetis (テテュス, Tetyusu) es una de las seis Titánides liberados por Pontos junto con los otros dos, y Okeanos Kreios. No se sabe mucho acerca de ella, pero ella parece tener un espíritu combativo. Ella también es muy leal a Cronos.
- Icy Moon of Saturn discovered by Human astronomer Cassini on March 21, 1684.
- Tethys(テティス Tetisu)is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. She is another member of Gerik's Mercenaries, and the older sister of Ewan.
- Tethys is the Titan-goddess of the Sea. She fights the titans's children, the Olympians Gods and was exiled like the others Titans.
- Tethys is the White Lady of the Sea. She lives in the sea, and all the creatures of the sea are her sons and daughters. Greenwitch also is her daughter. She possesses the High Magic, so she can't help the Light or the Dark, but she was an old friend of Merriman Lyon. Tethys can't kill an Old One or a Lord of Dark, but she can put him out of the Time.
- Tethys was the eldest daughter of Uranus and Gaia, younger sister to Oceanus, her husband. She was a Titaness and mother of the Greek River Gods. She represented the motherly aspects of the sea and remained neutral, along with her husband and sisters during the Titanomachy. She raised Hera according to some accounts. Tethys is also the name of a prehistoric ocean and a moon of Saturn, named after the Roman form of her brother.
- Tethys ist der fünftgrößte Mond des Saturn und in der Reihenfolge der fünfzehnte der 62 Saturn Monde.
- Terraforming Tethys would involve adding an initial atmosphere of strong greenhouse gases, and through electrolysis of the water, oxygen could be created; Nitrogen can be exported from Titan. As soon as the rest of the ice melts, it would create an ocean which would entirely cover the moon, down to it's core. Much like on Enceladus, to live on the surface, artificial continents that float over the water, would need to be created and covered with plant and animal life.
- One of the first colonized worlds, there used to be a jumproute between Urth and Tethys. It was a paradise world that was lightly settled by the agracorp Verdeco; heavy settlement occurred in the 25th century. Workers here received better treatment then that of most corporations, so settlers here remained loyal to Urth despite the rebellions against the Zaibatsu. The world did finally fall to anti-Republican forces, but corporations retained a strong grip on local politics none the less.