- Angelica ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im "Center for Elephant Conservation (CEC)”, Ringling Zuchtstation Polk City, Florida, USA. Sie wurde am 23.06.1997 auch dort geboren. Über ihre Eltern hat sie mehrere Geschwister und Halbgeschwister, viele von ihnen leben ebenfalls im CEC. Sie war in den diversen Zirkuseinheiten des Ringling-Zirkusunternehmens viele Jahre auf Tournee. Am 27.06.2013 wurde sie erstmals Mutter eines kleinen Bullen, der auf den Namen Max getauft wurde (Vater ist Romeo). Leider verstarb Max trotz intensiver Behandlung nach dem Auftreten erster Symptome am 29.01.2016 am Herpesvirus. Er ist offensichtlich der erste Todesfall dieser Krankheit bei Ringling, weitere Bullen sind nach Behandlung genesen. Max war zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes der jüngste Nachwuchs bei Ringling.
- Angelica was a young girl who lived in Cittàgazze.
- Angelica is a beautiful but dangerous female pirate and ruthless con artist. With Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow in her life, it's no wonder the beautiful pirate Angelica is dangerous to match swords with, let alone hearts. She appears in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, played by Penélope Cruz.
- Angelica is an experimental UTAUloid created using Tomodachi Life's built-in voice synthesis program, her quality is very low due to being recorded on a slightly broken Nintendo 3DS, with a dual-ended audio cable, and freeware virtual audio cable. Some samples are more distorted than others due to the 3D's breaking audio jack. Her samples were recorded via the English (Canadian) version of Tomodachi Life, and some are not as accurate as others.
- Angelica Teach ist die Tochter von Blackbeard. Doch erst spät hat sie davon erfahren. Das hat sie aber nicht daran gehindert, die Kunst der Täuschung zu perfektionieren und gewandt mit dem Schwert zu werden.
- Penelope Cassidy is the daughter of Banshee and the sister of Screma. Penelope is dating Jay Grey-Summers
- Angelica is the princess kidnapped along with Pimple in the first game. She is inside the Toadster with Pimple when they are swallowed by the Gargantua, kidnapped by the Dark Queen, and taken to Ragnarok. Princess Angelica appears at the end of the game when the Battletoads rescue them. They fall on top of the Dark Queen's tower. She does not appear in any other game than the first Battletoads.
- Angelica was a guest at the wedding of Donna Noble and Lance Bennett. During the commotion caused by Donna's disappearance, Sylvia Noble told Angelica that what she was doing was not helping, and she apologised. (TV: The Runaway Bride)
- She has something other geeks don't...MULTICOLORED HAIR (Orange,brown and black).Also,she only gets A+'s.
* Geeky
* Studious
* Spooky
- Angelica can often been seen together with the fighter Crom.
- Angélica Teach, más conocida como Angélica, es la protagonista femenina de la película Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
- Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre étymologie
* voir angelic
* singulier : angelica [and͡ʒeˈliko̞]
* pluriel: angelicas [and͡ʒeˈliko̞s] prononciations
* l. : [and͡ʒeˈliko̞] 1.
* Catégorie:plante angélique (Angelica archangelica) références
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, 1.
- Angelica was the daughter and the first mate of the notorious pirate captain Blackbeard and one of Jack Sparrow's past relationships from Disney's 2011 live-action film Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
- Angelica (アンジェリカ, Anjerika) est une souris géante. Elle était la souris de compagnie de Cherry Brendy, lors de l'Arc de l'Île de Galuna. Après ça, on ne la revoit plus.
- Church [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Angelica]] angelica (“‘angelic’”), or a Latinate elaboration of Angela. Name of a heroine in Ariosto's Orlando Furioso (1516).
- Poison -100 HP Increase Dexterity by 5 Increase Willpower by 5 Effect will last 2 minutes 00 seconds Required HP: 101
- Angelica is a Pirates of the Caribbean minifigure that was released in the 2011 set 4195 Queen Anne's Revenge. In LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game, Angelica is unlocked in the level Whitecap Bay.
- Angelica (アンジェリカ Anjerika) is a giant rat, owned and used in battle by Sherry Blendy.
- Angelica is a girl who Milhouse once went out with.
- Angelica is a young Methuselah who lives in the Ghetto of Londinium. There, she accidentally makes acquaintance with Pope Alessandro XVIII. In the novels and the manga, she has a white rabbit named Perot. She uses a sketchbook to communicate as she cannot talk.
- Angelica is a villainous and naughty girl who lives in London, England and was the daughter of Blackbeard in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
- Angelica is a plant in the Emelanese Universe. Angelica is used to see magic. Lark adds a mixture of powdered flint, hematite, angelica, star anise and lotus to her cloth so she can see magic.
- Angelica is a flower that represents inspiration and encouragement.
- Angelica is a Mexican female wrestler. She is mostly known for wrestling in Lucha Libre Femenil (LLF).
- Angela es una luchadora mexicana. Ella es principalmente conocida por la lucha en Lucha Libre Femenil (LLF). 1.
- "Angelica" is the daughter of the Riddling Reaver. She is a very strong warrior, a good faker and a clever strategist.
- Angelica is a character in the Super Mario series. She first appeared in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! She is an old woman and a saleswoman for Weird and Spooky Gadgets Incorperated.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Angelica (Cattleya in the Japanese titles) is the granddaughter of Halburn, the founder of Lambda Ltd. She has appeared in several games in the . In Custom Robo Arena, she uses the robo Carat. Apparently, Marv has some form of affection for her.
- In January 2000, Angelica played at the NME Premier Awards with Ash and Muse. In August 2000, the band played at the Reading and Leeds Festivals. In 2002, Angelica completed a European tour supporting Babes in Toyland and also appeared on the UK Ladyfest Tour. Their first full-length album, The Seven Year Itch, was produced by Kat Bjelland of Babes In Toyland. Angelica also ended the year by headlining the Lancaster Music Co-op benefit weekend. The band played in September 2002 at the Lancaster venue, The Yorkshire House. At some point after this performance, the band split. Bridget Colton and Rachel Parsons appeared with Lancastrian band The Adventures of Loki from 2003 to 2010. Rachel Parsons is now playing with Lancaster hip-hop funk band Carpe. Holly Ross is now playing with her husban
- She was raised as an assassin to an unknown organization. She tried to flee from her benefactors but was allowed to live by her pursuers. To ensure her safety and her possible freedom, Angelica is given two missions: to bring Suzu and a treasured sword back to them and to find a worthy samurai successor for their leader. She obeys but is reluctant to leave their leader's side.
- Wikipedia Article About Angelica on Wikipedia Masterwort typically refers to the plant Peucedanum ostruthium or Imperatoria ostruthium in the family Apiaceae, and not to be confused with great masterwort, Astrantia major, in the same family. The classic variety of Angelica is Angelica Archangelica, and is most famously used for it's candied stems, which are used most often in England. The plant itself grows about 2 meters high when at full maturity and bolted. The hollow stems can reach a thickess of almost 2 cm. The leaves tend to be quite bitter but are nice as garnish.
- thumb|210px|Angelica Angelica est une étrange vieille femme et une vendeuse de "gadgets bizarres et fantasmagoriques", une société spécialisée apparemment dans les ventes de bibelots bizarres. Dans l'épisode de The Super Mario Bros Super Show! "Time Out Luigi", Angelica apparaît dans l'entreprise Mario Brothers Plumbing, essayant de vendre une partie de sa marchandise. Alors que Luigi est intéressé par ce que la femme a à offrir, Mario ne s'y intéresse pas du tout. Même quand elle essaie de lui vendre une boule de cristal qui a une précision allant de 90% à 100% ou encore une peinture qui vieillit tandis que le propriétaire reste jeune, Mario ne montre toujours aucun intérêt, voulant une peinture moins chère et une boule de cristal avec une précision de 100%.
- Angelica was a beautiful but dangerous female pirate. Being a master of disguises, Angelica learned the art of the con from the best, Captain Jack Sparrow. A woman who tells lies that are truths and truths that are lies, Angelica was the daughter of the infamous pirate Blackbeard.