| - The Hōgyoku (in Japanese: 崩玉, Crumbling Orb; Viz: "Breakdown Sphere") is a mystical item that can take down the barriers between Soul Reapers and Hollows, allowing for the creation of an Arrancar, a Hollow with Soul Reaper powers, or a Vizard, a Soul Reaper with Hollow powers. Kisuke Urahara invented this item, and Aizen stole it from Rukia, whose body Urahara had sealed the Hogyoku in. Aizen uses the Hogyoku to create an army of Arrancars in preparing to overthrow the king of the Soul Society.
- Die Kugel der Verformung, oder auch Hōgyoku (崩玉, wörtlich: Zusammenbruch-Sphäre) ist ein Gegenstand, welcher unglaubliche Kraft besitzt.
- The Hōgyoku (崩玉, Crumbling Orb; Viz "Breakdown Sphere") is a small, bluish-purple orb composed of a unique substance thought to have been capable of dissolving the boundaries between Shinigami and Hollow, allowing one race to attain the powers of the other. However, its true power lies in its ability to sense the hearts of those around it and materialize their deepest desire. Two Hōgyoku are known to exist, the first invented by Sōsuke Aizen and the other by Kisuke Urahara. Ultimately, Aizen presents his orb to the latter's, forming a single Hōgyoku.
- Hōgyoku (崩玉, Klejnot Zniszczenia) jest unikalną substancją w formie małej kulki, która była stworzona w celu zatarcia granicy między Shinigami i Hollowami oraz przyznanie innych mocy. Aizen wyjaśnił, że Hōgyoku materializuje pragnienia serc wokół niego. Został wynaleziony ok. 101 lat przed głównymi wydarzeniami przez byłego Shinigami i założyciela Sekcji Rozwoju Technologii, Kisuke Uraharę.
- La Hōgyoku (崩玉, Orbe de Distorsión ?) es un pequeño artefacto con forma esférica que es capaz de destruir las barreras existentes entre un Hollow y un Shinigami, permitiendo que uno adquiera los poderes propios del otro, y viceversa. Sin embargo como Aizen explicó, su principal función es la de convertir los deseos en realidad.
- The The Orb of Distortion, is a small orb that dissolves the boundary between a Shinigami and a Hollow. It can allow a Shinigami to use Hollow powers and vice-versa thus allowing the user to tap into a vast amount of spirit energy. The Hōgyoku was the end result of an experiment by the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. After some thorough testing, the developer of the Hōgyoku, Kisuke Urahara, foresaw the dangerous nature of his creation. Out of fear of what people would do with the Hōgyoku, he erased all the data about how it was created. Shortly thereafter, he was terminated from the Soul Society for creating it. This item lay dormant in the untraceable Gigai that Rukia was in during the Soul Society arc of the manga and anime.Sōsuke Aizen found two ways for the Hōgyoku to be
| - The Hōgyoku (in Japanese: 崩玉, Crumbling Orb; Viz: "Breakdown Sphere") is a mystical item that can take down the barriers between Soul Reapers and Hollows, allowing for the creation of an Arrancar, a Hollow with Soul Reaper powers, or a Vizard, a Soul Reaper with Hollow powers. Kisuke Urahara invented this item, and Aizen stole it from Rukia, whose body Urahara had sealed the Hogyoku in. Aizen uses the Hogyoku to create an army of Arrancars in preparing to overthrow the king of the Soul Society.
- The The Orb of Distortion, is a small orb that dissolves the boundary between a Shinigami and a Hollow. It can allow a Shinigami to use Hollow powers and vice-versa thus allowing the user to tap into a vast amount of spirit energy. The Hōgyoku was the end result of an experiment by the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. After some thorough testing, the developer of the Hōgyoku, Kisuke Urahara, foresaw the dangerous nature of his creation. Out of fear of what people would do with the Hōgyoku, he erased all the data about how it was created. Shortly thereafter, he was terminated from the Soul Society for creating it. This item lay dormant in the untraceable Gigai that Rukia was in during the Soul Society arc of the manga and anime.Sōsuke Aizen found two ways for the Hōgyoku to be removed from its host. One, the soul gets burnt away with extreme heat, hence the use of the Sōkyoku. Two, the Hōgyoku is extracted through artificial means, through the use of a specialty device developed by Urahara. His first plan was to allow Rukia to be put to death on Sōkyoku Hill, and retrieve the Hōgyoku afterwards. That plan changed when Ichigo stopped the execution. So he had to plan for his next course of action, and uses Urahara's device to extract the Hōgyoku. As Sōsuke Aizen reveals to Orihime Inoue, The Orb of Distortion was still asleep when he stole it. It needed time to mature and awaken before it could be at its full potency. Through his research though, Aizen found out that through the infusing of his spirit power, the Hōgyoku could be forced into a state of readiness which he could work with while it is in a dormant state. With it, he was able to create powerful Hollow/Sinigami hybrids called Arrancar and rose an army to subplant Soul Society. He claims that he brought Orihime to Las Noches to repair the Hōgyoku and use its full power, but has yet to complete this task. Later, he claims that he used Orihime brought her to lure her friends, namely Ichigo and the others. This was to weaken Soul Society's forces during the battle of the fake Karakura Town.
- La Hōgyoku (崩玉, Orbe de Distorsión ?) es un pequeño artefacto con forma esférica que es capaz de destruir las barreras existentes entre un Hollow y un Shinigami, permitiendo que uno adquiera los poderes propios del otro, y viceversa. Sin embargo como Aizen explicó, su principal función es la de convertir los deseos en realidad. Su invención, escondite y aplicaciones representan uno de los ejes centrales en torno al que gira el argumento de la serie y una de las causas de confrontación entre las distintas facciones existentes en el mundo de Bleach. Tradicionalmente, se le ha dado el género masculino al Hōgyoku (conociéndose generalmente como el Hōgyoku), pero en la traducción al castellano de Glénat se le ha asignado el femenino, al ser llamada en esta versión "Joya Destructora".
- Die Kugel der Verformung, oder auch Hōgyoku (崩玉, wörtlich: Zusammenbruch-Sphäre) ist ein Gegenstand, welcher unglaubliche Kraft besitzt.
- The Hōgyoku (崩玉, Crumbling Orb; Viz "Breakdown Sphere") is a small, bluish-purple orb composed of a unique substance thought to have been capable of dissolving the boundaries between Shinigami and Hollow, allowing one race to attain the powers of the other. However, its true power lies in its ability to sense the hearts of those around it and materialize their deepest desire. Two Hōgyoku are known to exist, the first invented by Sōsuke Aizen and the other by Kisuke Urahara. Ultimately, Aizen presents his orb to the latter's, forming a single Hōgyoku.
- Hōgyoku (崩玉, Klejnot Zniszczenia) jest unikalną substancją w formie małej kulki, która była stworzona w celu zatarcia granicy między Shinigami i Hollowami oraz przyznanie innych mocy. Aizen wyjaśnił, że Hōgyoku materializuje pragnienia serc wokół niego. Został wynaleziony ok. 101 lat przed głównymi wydarzeniami przez byłego Shinigami i założyciela Sekcji Rozwoju Technologii, Kisuke Uraharę.