| - A two piece bikini, or some close variant, made of or trimmed with fur (either real or fake), or even feathers. Usually considered extremely sexy. It's an uncommon, but highly pleasing costume. And unless it's heavily adorned, it's a bit more usable than a typical Impractically Fancy Outfit. Could count if there is just fur trimming. In this case if the bikini is red, and the fur is white, it overlaps a little with Sexy Santa Dress (or even some Happy Holidays Dresses). Everyday wear for a Nubile Savage. If you are a Jungle Princess, this is your Ermine Cape. Examples of Fur Bikini include:
| - A two piece bikini, or some close variant, made of or trimmed with fur (either real or fake), or even feathers. Usually considered extremely sexy. It's an uncommon, but highly pleasing costume. And unless it's heavily adorned, it's a bit more usable than a typical Impractically Fancy Outfit. Could count if there is just fur trimming. In this case if the bikini is red, and the fur is white, it overlaps a little with Sexy Santa Dress (or even some Happy Holidays Dresses). Everyday wear for a Nubile Savage. If you are a Jungle Princess, this is your Ermine Cape. This trope even avoids a Double Standard, as men can have Loin Cloths, the favorite impractical outfit for northern barbarians across the realms of fantasy. Sometimes the wearer also has a Feather Boa Constrictor. Compare Seashell Bra, Going Fur a Swim (when the bikini and fur are separate garments), Bare Your Midriff, Black Bra and Panties, An Ice Suit, Sweater Girl, Fur Is Clothing (in which a Funny Animal has removable fur, which might result in this trope), Sexy Santa Dress, Playboy Bunny. Contrast "Happy Holidays" Dress, Stylish Protection Gear. Examples of Fur Bikini include: