| - It requires character level 59 to be used.
- Grail was an elvish word for a piece of jewelry, a circlet or large ring worn as a diadem or headband.
- The Grail (aka the Holy Grail) was the cup used by Christ in the Last Supper, and also where Joseph of Arimathea collected His blood while on the Cross. Arthur doesn't necessarily find the Grail held by Christ, but instead finds another Sacred Cup, the Cup of Regeneration, which he takes back to Camelot as the Grail.
- The Grail is an extremely powerful unique artifact as well as an objective for many of the maps in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. In Heroes V, VI, and VII, it is replaced by the Tear of Asha
- Grail is an episode from the first season of Babylon 5, which is collectively entitled Signs and Portents. A man comes to Babylon 5 asking the alien ambassadors for information that can help him with his quest to find the Holy Grail. A Downbelow gangster gives security problems by mindwiping all who oppose him.
- Grail es un mundo imperial en la región del espacio conocida como las Fosas Corónidas.
- Ruled by the minor House Keddah, Grail is the homeworld of the various races of bird-like Etyri. Sanctuary Aeon is the local dominant branch of the Universal Church, unlike most of the Known Worlds who are cared after by the Urth Orthodox.
- Grail è un browser sperimentale, scritto in Python e in Tk a scopo amatoriale dalla CNRI. Il progetto non ha mai raggiunto una versione stabile ed è stato interrotto nel 1999. E' interessante per gli sviluppatori Python, ma non per gli utenti finali, in quanto supporta solo una piccola parte di HTML e delle tecnologie che stanno alla base del web, sebbene ne supporti alcune che sono generalmente ignorate dagli altri browser. Per visualizzare le tabelle HTML e le immagini JPEG, ad esempio, occorrono due appositi plugin.
- The Grail is one of the four Things of Power. It is found by the Drew children in a cave in Over Sea, Under Stone. The grail is stored in the British museum and is known as the "Trewissick Grail", it is valued at more than 50,000 pounds, though the curator said it was "incalculable". The Grail's plaque reads: " Gold chalice of unknown Celtic workmanship, believed sixth century. Found in Trewissick, South Cornwall, and presented by Simon, Jane and Barnabas Drew." On the Grail are written these words: ac y mae’r arglwyddes yn dod.
- Grail is the 54th level in Chip's Challenge 1. Step over the random force floor to pick up the green key; the chance of passing this immediately is 1/4, but this does not permit a spring slide on and off the key, so any path that loses [1/2] will also pass the area without losing any turns. Though skill is required, a >R slide (1/4) allows Chip to override D after [1/2], while an >U slide allows Chip one more chance to move >D (3/4 * 1/4 = 3/16); the sum of these chances comes to 11/16.